Man pages for dbnR
Dynamic Bayesian Network Learning and Inference

acc_successionsReturns a vector with the number of consecutive nodes in each...
add_attr_to_fitAdds the mu vector and sigma matrix as attributes to the...
AIC.dbnCalculate the AIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
AIC.dbn.fitCalculate the AIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
all.equal.dbnCheck if two network structures are equal to each other
all.equal.dbn.fitCheck if two fitted networks are equal to each other
approximate_inferencePerforms approximate inference forecasting with the GDBN over...
approx_prediction_stepPerforms approximate inference in a time slice of the dbn
as.character.dbnConvert a network structure into a model string
as_named_vectorConverts a single row data.table into a named vector
BIC.dbnCalculate the BIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
BIC.dbn.fitCalculate the BIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
bn_translate_expExperimental function that translates a natPosition vector...
calc_muCalculate the mu vector from a fitted BN or DBN
calc_mu_cppCalculate the mu vector of means of a Gaussian linear...
calc_sigmaCalculate the sigma covariance matrix from a fitted BN or DBN
calc_sigma_cppCalculate the sigma covariance matrix of a Gaussian linear...
cash-set-.dbn.fitReplacement function for parameters inside DBNs
CauslistR6 class that defines causal lists in the PSO
check_time0_formattedChecks if the vector of names are time formatted to t_0
cl_to_arc_matrix_cppCreate a matrix with the arcs defined in a causlist object
coef.dbn.fitExtracts the coefficients of a DBN
create_blacklistCreates the blacklist of arcs from a folded data.table
create_causlist_cppCreate a causal list from a DBN. This is the C++ backend of...
create_natcauslist_cppCreate a natural causal list from a DBN. This is the C++...
crop_names_cppIf the names of the nodes have "_t_0" appended at the end,...
cte_times_vel_cppMultiply a Velocity by a constant real number
degreeCalculates the degree of a list of nodes
degree.bnCalculates the degree of a list of nodes the degree of a list of nodes
degree.dbnCalculates the degree of a list of nodes
degree.dbn.fitCalculates the degree of a list of nodes
dmmhcLearns the structure of a markovian n DBN model from data
dynamic_orderingGets the ordering of a single time slice in a DBN
exact_inferencePerforms exact inference forecasting with the GDBN over a...
exact_inference_backwardsPerforms exact inference smoothing with the GDBN over a...
exact_prediction_stepPerforms exact inference in a time slice of the dbn
expand_time_nodesExtends the names of the nodes in t_0 to t_(max-1)
filtered_fold_dtFold a dataset avoiding overlapping of different time series
filter_same_cycleFilter the instances in a data.table with different ids in...
fit_dbn_paramsFits a markovian n DBN model
fitted.dbn.fitExtracts the fitted values of a DBN
fold_dtWidens the dataset to take into account the t previous time...
fold_dt_recWidens the dataset to take into account the t previous time...
forecast_tsPerforms forecasting with the GDBN over a dataset
generate_random_network_expGenerate a random DBN and a sampled dataset
init_cl_cppInitialize the nodes vector
initialize_cl_cppCreate a causality list and initialize it
init_list_cppInitialize the particles
learn_dbn_strucLearns the structure of a markovian n DBN model from data
logLik.dbnCalculate the log-likelihood of a dynamic Bayesian network
logLik.dbn.fitCalculate the log-likelihood of a dynamic Bayesian network
mean.dbn.fitAverage the parameters of multiple objects with...
merge_netsMerges and replicates the arcs in the static BN into all the...
motorMultivariate time series dataset on the temperature of an...
mvn_inferencePerforms inference over a multivariate normal distribution
natCauslistR6 class that defines causal lists in the PSO
nat_cl_to_arc_matrix_cppCreate a matrix with the arcs defined in a causlist object
nat_cte_times_vel_cppMultiply a Velocity by a constant real number
natParticleR6 class that defines a Particle in the PSO algorithm
natPositionR6 class that defines DBNs as vectors of natural numbers
nat_pos_minus_pos_cppSubtracts two natPositions to obtain the natVelocity that...
nat_pos_plus_vel_cppAdd a velocity to a position
natPsoCtrlR6 class that defines the PSO controller
natPsohoLearn a DBN structure with a PSO approach
natVelocityR6 class that defines velocities in the PSO
nat_vel_plus_vel_cppAdds two natVelocities
node_levelsDefines a level for every node in the net
nodesReturns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes.bnReturns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes.dbnReturns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes.dbn.fitReturns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes_gen_expGenerates the names of the nodes in t_0 and in all the...
nodes-setRelabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes-set-.bnRelabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes-set-.dbnRelabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
nodes-set-.dbn.fitRelabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
one_hotOne hot encoder for natural numbers without the 0.
one_hot_cppOne-hot encoder for natural numbers without the 0
ordering_gen_expGenerates the names of n variables.
ParticleR6 class that defines a Particle in the PSO algorithm
plot.dbnPlots a dynamic Bayesian network
plot.dbn.fitPlots a fitted dynamic Bayesian network
plot_dynamic_networkPlots a dynamic Bayesian network in a hierarchical way
plot_static_networkPlots a Bayesian network in a hierarchical way
PositionR6 class that defines DBNs as causality lists
pos_minus_pos_cppSubtracts two Positions to obtain the Velocity that...
pos_plus_vel_cppAdd a velocity to a position
predict_bnPerforms inference over a fitted GBN
predict.dbn.fitPerforms inference in every row of a dataset with a DBN
predict_dtPerforms inference over a test dataset with a GBN
print.dbnPrint method for "dbn" objects
print.dbn.fitPrint method for "" objects
PsoCtrlR6 class that defines the PSO controller
psohoLearn a DBN structure with a PSO approach
randomize_vl_cppRandomize a velocity with the given probabilities
rbn.dbn.fitSimulates random samples from a fitted DBN
recount_arcs_expExperimental function that recounts the number of arcs in the...
reduce_freqReduce the frequency of the time series data in a data.table
rename_nodes_cppReturn a list of nodes with the time slice appended up to the...
residuals.dbn.fitReturns the residuals from fitting a DBN
scoreComputes the score of a BN or a DBN
score.bnComputes the score of a BN or a DBN
score.dbnComputes the score of a BN or a DBN
shift_valuesMove the window of values backwards in a folded dataset row
sigma.dbn.fitReturns the standard deviation of the residuals from fitting...
smooth_tsPerforms smoothing with the GDBN over a dataset
sub-subset-.dbn.fitReplacement function for parameters inside DBNs
time_renameRenames the columns in a data.table so that they end in...
trunc_geomGeometric distribution sampler truncated to a maximum
VelocityR6 class that defines velocities affecting causality lists in...
vel_plus_vel_cppAdd two Velocities
dbnR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.