natPosition: R6 class that defines DBNs as vectors of natural numbers

natPositionR Documentation

R6 class that defines DBNs as vectors of natural numbers


Constructor of the 'natPosition' class

Translate the vector into a DBN network

Uses this object private cl and transforms it into a DBN.

Add a velocity to the position

Given a natVelocity object, add it to the current position.

Return the static node ordering

This function takes as input a dbn and return the node ordering of the variables inside a timeslice. This ordering is needed to understand a position vector.

Translate a DBN into a position vector

This function takes as input a network from a DBN and transforms the structure into a vector of natural numbers if it is a valid DBN. Valid DBNs have only inter-timeslice edges and only allow variables in t_0 to have parents.

Generates a random position

This function takes as input the number of variables, the maximum size and the parameter p and returns a random position with arcs sampled either from the uniform distribution or from a truncated geometric distribution. Much faster than the binary implementation with lists of lists and random bn generation into translation.

Recount the number of arcs in the cl



a vector with the names of the nodes


a vector with the names of the nodes in t_0


a vector with the names of the nodes without the appended "_t_0"


Maximum number of timeslices of the DBN


a natVelocity object


a dbn object


the number of variables in t_0


the parameter of the truncated geometric sampler. If lesser or equal to 0, a uniform distribution will be used instead.


A natPosition represents a single HO-DBN structure with a vector. Its function is to encode the solutions in the PSO framework. Each particle will have a position.


A new 'natPosition' object

a dbn object

the ordering of the nodes in t_0

a random position

the number of arcs



Number of arcs in the network


Maximum number of timeslices of the DBN


Parameter of the sampling truncated geometric distribution


Names of the nodes in the network

dbnR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 1:07 a.m.