
Defines functions `[[<-.dbn.fit` `$<-.dbn.fit` fitted.dbn.fit coef.dbn.fit sigma.dbn.fit residuals.dbn.fit rbn.dbn.fit mean.dbn.fit print.dbn.fit print.dbn score score.dbn score.bn `nodes<-` `nodes<-.dbn.fit` `nodes<-.bn.fit` `nodes<-.dbn` `nodes<-.bn` nodes nodes.dbn.fit nodes.bn.fit nodes.dbn nodes.bn degree degree.dbn.fit degree.bn.fit degree.dbn degree.bn as.character.dbn all.equal.dbn.fit all.equal.dbn logLik.dbn.fit logLik.dbn BIC.dbn.fit BIC.dbn AIC.dbn.fit AIC.dbn

Documented in AIC.dbn AIC.dbn.fit all.equal.dbn all.equal.dbn.fit as.character.dbn BIC.dbn BIC.dbn.fit coef.dbn.fit degree degree.bn degree.bn.fit degree.dbn degree.dbn.fit fitted.dbn.fit logLik.dbn logLik.dbn.fit mean.dbn.fit nodes nodes.bn nodes.bn.fit nodes.dbn nodes.dbn.fit print.dbn print.dbn.fit rbn.dbn.fit residuals.dbn.fit score score.bn score.dbn sigma.dbn.fit

#' Calculate the AIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for calculating the Akaike information criterion (AIC) of a 
#' "dbn" S3 object given some data. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{AIC}} underneath.
#' @param object the structure of the network
#' @param ... additional parameters for the network scoring
#' @param k the penalty parameter
#' @return the AIC score of the network
#' @importFrom stats AIC
#' @export
AIC.dbn <- function(object, ..., k){

#' Calculate the AIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for calculating the Akaike information criterion (AIC) of a 
#' "dbn.fit" S3 object given some data. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{AIC}} underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters for the network scoring
#' @param k the penalty parameter
#' @return the AIC score of the network
#' @export
AIC.dbn.fit <- function(object, ..., k){

#' Calculate the BIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for calculating the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) of a 
#' "dbn" S3 object given some data. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{BIC}} underneath.
#' @param object the structure of the network
#' @param ... additional parameters for the network scoring
#' @return the BIC score of the network
#' @importFrom stats BIC
#' @export
BIC.dbn <- function(object, ...){

#' Calculate the BIC of a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for calculating the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) of a 
#' "dbn.fit" S3 object given some data. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{BIC}} underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters for the network scoring
#' @return the BIC score of the network
#' @export
BIC.dbn.fit <- function(object, ...){

#' Calculate the log-likelihood of a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for calculating the log-likelihood of a 
#' "dbn" S3 object given some data. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{logLik}} underneath.
#' @param object the structure of the network
#' @param dt the dataset to calculate the score of the network
#' @param ... additional parameters for the network scoring
#' @return the log-likelihood score of the network
#' @importFrom stats logLik
#' @export
logLik.dbn <- function(object, dt, ...){

#' Calculate the log-likelihood of a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for calculating the log-likelihood of a 
#' "dbn.fit" S3 object given some data. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{logLik}} underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param dt the dataset to calculate the score of the network
#' @param ... additional parameters for the network scoring
#' @return the log-likelihood score of the network
#' @export
logLik.dbn.fit <- function(object, dt, ...){

#' Check if two network structures are equal to each other
#' Generic method for checking the equality of two
#' "dbn" S3 objects. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{all.equal}} underneath.
#' @param target "dbn" object
#' @param current the other "dbn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return boolean result of the comparison
#' @export
all.equal.dbn <- function(target, current, ...){

#' Check if two fitted networks are equal to each other
#' Generic method for checking the equality of two
#' "dbn.fit" S3 objects. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{all.equal}} underneath.
#' @param target "dbn.fit" object
#' @param current the other "dbn.fit" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return boolean result of the comparison
#' @export
all.equal.dbn.fit <- function(target, current, ...){

#' Convert a network structure into a model string 
#' Generic method for converting a "dbn" S3 object into a string.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{as.character}} underneath.
#' @param x a "dbn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return string representing the DBN model
#' @export
as.character.dbn <- function(x, ...){

#' Calculates the degree of a list of nodes
#' Generic method for calculating the degree of a list of nodes in a
#' "bn" S3 object. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{degree}} underneath.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param Nodes which nodes to check
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the degree of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
degree.bn <- function(object, Nodes, ...){
  bnlearn::degree(object, Nodes, ...)

#' Calculates the degree of a list of nodes
#' Generic method for calculating the degree of a list of nodes in a
#' "dbn" S3 object. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{degree}} underneath.
#' The degree function is specifically coded to look for either the "bn"
#' or the "bn.fit" method inside bnlearn, so I have to cast the "dbn" class
#' into "bn" for it to work.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param Nodes which nodes to check
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the degree of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
degree.dbn <- function(object, Nodes, ...){
  class(object) <- "bn" # This won't be reflected outside the call
  bnlearn::degree(object, Nodes, ...)

#' Calculates the degree of a list of nodes
#' #' Generic method for calculating the degree of a list of nodes in a
#' "bn.fit" S3 object. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{degree}} underneath.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param Nodes which nodes to check
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the degree of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
degree.bn.fit <- function(object, Nodes, ...){
  bnlearn::degree(object, Nodes, ...)

#' Calculates the degree of a list of nodes
#' #' Generic method for calculating the degree of a list of nodes in a
#' "dbn.fit" S3 object. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{degree}} underneath.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param Nodes which nodes to check
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the degree of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
degree.dbn.fit <- function(object, Nodes, ...){
  class(object) <- "bn.fit" # The degree function specifically checks for a bn object. This won't be reflected outside the call
  bnlearn::degree(object, Nodes, ...)

#' Calculates the degree of a list of nodes
#' #' Generic method for calculating the degree of a list of nodes in a
#' BN or a DBN. Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{degree}} underneath. 
#' I have to redefine the generic and mask the original for it to work on both 
#' bn and dbn objects without the user having to import bnlearn.
#' @param object a "bn", "dbn", "bn.fit" or "dbn.fit" object
#' @param Nodes which nodes to check
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the degree of the nodes
#' @importFrom bnlearn degree
#' @export
degree <- function(object, Nodes, ...){

#' Returns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for obtaining the names of the nodes in "bn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes}} underneath.
#' @param object a "bn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the names of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nodes.bn <- function(object, ...){
  bnlearn::nodes(object, ...)

#' Returns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for obtaining the names of the nodes in "dbn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes}} underneath.
#' The nodes function is specifically coded to look for either the "bn"
#' or the "bn.fit" method inside bnlearn, so I have to cast the "dbn" class
#' into "bn" for it to work.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the names of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nodes.dbn <- function(object, ...){
  class(object) <- "bn"
  bnlearn::nodes(object, ...)

#' Returns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for obtaining the names of the nodes in "bn.fit" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes}} underneath.
#' @param object a "bn.fit" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the names of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nodes.bn.fit <- function(object, ...){
  bnlearn::nodes(object, ...)

#' Returns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for obtaining the names of the nodes in "dbn.fit" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes}} underneath.
#' @param object a "dbn.fit" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the names of the nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nodes.dbn.fit <- function(object, ...){
  class(object) <- "bn.fit"
  bnlearn::nodes(object, ...)

#' Returns a list with the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for obtaining the names of the nodes in a BN or a DBN.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes}} underneath. 
#' I have to redefine the generic and mask the original for it to work on both 
#' bn and dbn objects without the user having to import bnlearn.
#' @param object a "bn", "dbn", "bn.fit" or "dbn.fit" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the names of the nodes
#' @importFrom bnlearn nodes
#' @export
nodes <- function(object, ...){

#' Relabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for renaming the nodes in a "bn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes<-}} underneath.
#' @param object a "bn" object
#' @param value a list with the new names
#' @return the modified object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`nodes<-.bn` <- function(object, value){
  bnlearn::`nodes<-`(object, value)

#' Relabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for renaming the nodes in a "bn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes<-}} underneath.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param value a list with the new names
#' @return the modified object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`nodes<-.dbn` <- function(object, value){
  prev <- class(object)
  class(object) <- "bn"
  object <- bnlearn::`nodes<-`(object, value)
  class(object) <- prev

#' Relabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for renaming the nodes in a "bn.fit" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes<-}} underneath.
#' @param object a "bn.fit" object
#' @param value a list with the new names
#' @return the modified object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`nodes<-.bn.fit` <- function(object, value){
  bnlearn::`nodes<-`(object, value)

#' Relabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for renaming the nodes in a "bn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes<-}} underneath.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param value a list with the new names
#' @return the modified object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`nodes<-.dbn.fit` <- function(object, value){
  prev <- class(object)
  class(object) <- "bn.fit"
  object <- bnlearn::`nodes<-`(object, value)
  class(object) <- prev

#' Relabel the names of the nodes of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for renaming the nodes in a BN or a DBN.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes<-}} underneath. 
#' I have to redefine the generic and mask the original for it to work on both 
#' bn and dbn objects without the user having to import bnlearn.
#' @param object a "bn", "dbn", "bn.fit" or "dbn.fit" object
#' @param value a list with the new names
#' @return the modified object
#' @importFrom bnlearn `nodes<-`
#' @export
`nodes<-` <- function(object, value){

#' Computes the score of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for computing the score of a "bn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{score}} underneath.
#' @param object a "bn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the score of the network
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
score.bn <- function(object, ...){
  bnlearn::score(object, ...)

#' Computes the score of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for computing the score of a "dbn" S3 object.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{score}} underneath.
#' The nodes function is specifically coded to look for either the "bn"
#' or the "bn.fit" method inside bnlearn, so I have to cast the "dbn" class
#' into "bn" for it to work.
#' @param object a "dbn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the score of the network
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
score.dbn <- function(object, ...){
  class(object) <- "bn"
  bnlearn::score(object, ...)

#' Computes the score of a BN or a DBN
#' Generic method for computing the score of a BN or a DBN.
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link{nodes}} underneath. 
#' I have to redefine the generic and mask the original for it to work on both 
#' bn and dbn objects without the user having to import bnlearn.
#' @param object a "bn" or "dbn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the score of the network
#' @importFrom bnlearn score
#' @export
score <- function(object, ...){

#' Print method for "dbn" objects
#' Generic print method for "dbn" S3 objects. Calls bnlearn's print underneath
#' @param x the "dbn" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @export
print.dbn <- function(x, ...){

#' Print method for "dbn.fit" objects
#' Generic print method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. Calls bnlearn's print underneath
#' @param x the "dbn.fit" object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @export
print.dbn.fit <- function(x, ...){

#' Average the parameters of multiple dbn.fit objects with identical structures
#' Generic method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param x the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the averaged parameters
#' @export
mean.dbn.fit <- function(x, ...){

#' Simulates random samples from a fitted DBN
#' Generic method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn's \code{\link[bnlearn]{rbn}} underneath.
#' @param x the fitted network
#' @param n number of samples
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the sampled dataset
#' @importFrom bnlearn rbn
#' @export
rbn.dbn.fit <- function(x, n, ...){

#' Returns the residuals from fitting a DBN
#' Generic method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the residuals of fitting the network
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @export
residuals.dbn.fit <- function(object, ...){

#' Returns the standard deviation of the residuals from fitting a DBN
#' Generic method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the standard deviation residuals of fitting the network
#' @importFrom stats sigma
#' @export
sigma.dbn.fit <- function(object, ...){

#' Extracts the coefficients of a DBN
#' Generic method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the coefficients of the network
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export
coef.dbn.fit <- function(object, ...){

#' Extracts the fitted values of a DBN
#' Generic method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param object the fitted network
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the fitted values of the network
#' @importFrom stats fitted
#' @export
fitted.dbn.fit <- function(object, ...){

#' Replacement function for parameters inside DBNs
#' Generic parameter replacement method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param x the fitted network
#' @param name name of the node to replace its parameters
#' @param value the new parameters
#' @return the modified network
#' @export
`$<-.dbn.fit` <- function(x, name, value){

#' Replacement function for parameters inside DBNs
#' Generic parameter replacement method for "dbn.fit" S3 objects. 
#' Calls bnlearn underneath.
#' @param x the fitted network
#' @param name name of the node to replace its parameters
#' @param value the new parameters
#' @return the modified network
#' @export
`[[<-.dbn.fit` <- function(x, name, value){

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