
Defines functions check_filter filter_via_having filter_can_use_having filter_needs_new_query add_filter filter.tbl_lazy

Documented in filter.tbl_lazy

#' Subset rows using column values
#' This is a method for the dplyr [filter()] generic. It generates the
#' `WHERE` clause of the SQL query.
#' @inheritParams arrange.tbl_lazy
#' @inheritParams dplyr::filter
#' @param .preserve Not supported by this method.
#' @inherit arrange.tbl_lazy return
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' db <- memdb_frame(x = c(2, NA, 5, NA, 10), y = 1:5)
#' db %>% filter(x < 5) %>% show_query()
#' db %>% filter(is.na(x)) %>% show_query()
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
# Registered onLoad
filter.tbl_lazy <- function(.data, ..., .by = NULL, .preserve = FALSE) {
  check_unsupported_arg(.preserve, FALSE)
  by <- compute_by(
    {{ .by }},
    by_arg = ".by",
    data_arg = ".data",
    error_call = caller_env()
  if (by$from_by) {
    .data$lazy_query$group_vars <- by$names

  dots <- partial_eval_dots(.data, ..., .named = FALSE)

  if (is_empty(dots)) {

  .data$lazy_query <- add_filter(.data, dots)
  if (by$from_by) {
    .data$lazy_query$group_vars <- character()

add_filter <- function(.data, dots) {
  con <- remote_con(.data)
  lazy_query <- .data$lazy_query
  dots <- unname(dots)

  dots_use_window_fun <- uses_window_fun(dots, con)

  if (filter_can_use_having(lazy_query, dots_use_window_fun)) {
    return(filter_via_having(lazy_query, dots))

  if (!dots_use_window_fun) {
    if (filter_needs_new_query(dots, lazy_query, con)) {
        x = lazy_query,
        where = dots
    } else {
      exprs <- lazy_query$select$expr
      nms <- lazy_query$select$name
      projection <- purrr::map2_lgl(exprs, nms, ~ is_symbol(.x) && !identical(.x, sym(.y)))

      if (any(projection)) {
        dots <- purrr::map(dots, replace_sym, nms[projection], exprs[projection])

      lazy_query$where <- c(lazy_query$where, dots)
  } else {
    # Do partial evaluation, then extract out window functions
    where <- translate_window_where_all(dots, ls(dbplyr_sql_translation(con)$window))

    # Add extracted window expressions as columns
    mutated <- mutate(.data, !!!where$comp)

    # And filter with the modified `where` using the new columns
    original_vars <- op_vars(.data)
      x = mutated$lazy_query,
      select = syms(set_names(original_vars)),
      where = where$expr

filter_needs_new_query <- function(dots, lazy_query, con) {
  if (!is_lazy_select_query(lazy_query)) {

  if (uses_mutated_vars(dots, lazy_query$select)) {

  if (uses_window_fun(lazy_query$select$expr, con)) {

  if (any_expr_uses_sql(lazy_query$select$expr)) {


filter_can_use_having <- function(lazy_query, dots_use_window_fun) {
  # From the Postgres documentation: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-select.html#SQL-HAVING
  # Each column referenced in condition must unambiguously reference a grouping
  # column, unless the reference appears within an aggregate function or the
  # ungrouped column is functionally dependent on the grouping columns.

  # After `summarise()` every column is either
  # * a grouping column
  # * or an aggregated column
  # (this is not the case for data frames but valid for SQL tables)
  # Therefore, if `filter()` does not use a window function, then we only use
  # grouping or aggregated columns

  if (dots_use_window_fun) {

  if (!is_lazy_select_query(lazy_query)) {

  lazy_query$select_operation == "summarise"

filter_via_having <- function(lazy_query, dots) {
  names <- lazy_query$select$name
  exprs <- purrr::map_if(lazy_query$select$expr, is_quosure, quo_get_expr)
  dots <- purrr::map(dots, replace_sym, names, exprs)

  lazy_query$having <- c(lazy_query$having, dots)

check_filter <- function(...) {
  dots <- enquos(...)
  named <- have_name(dots)

  for (i in which(named)) {
    quo <- dots[[i]]

    # Unlike in `dplyr` named logical vectors do not make sense so they are
    # also not allowed
    expr <- quo_get_expr(quo)
      "Problem with {.fun filter} input `..{i}`.",
      x = "Input `..{i}` is named.",
      i = "This usually means that you've used {.code =} instead of {.code ==}.",
      i = "Did you mean `{names(dots)[i]} == {as_label(expr)}`?"
    ), call = caller_env())

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dbplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:19 a.m.