Man pages for dccvalidator
Metadata Validation for Data Coordinating Centers

app_serverApp server
app_uiApp UI
can_coerceCheck coercibility
check_ages_over_90Check for ages over 90
check_allRun all validation checks
check_annotation_keysCheck annotation keys
check_annotation_valuesCheck annotation values
check_certified_userCheck if user is certified
check_col_namesCheck column names against their corresponding template
check_cols_completeCheck for complete columns
check_cols_emptyCheck for empty columns
check_conditionCreate a condition of the given type
check_duplicate_pathsCheck for duplicated file paths
check_files_manifestCheck that files are present in manifest
check_ids_matchCheck ids
check_indiv_ids_dupCheck uniqueness of individual and specimen IDs
check_keysCheck that a given set of keys are all present in an...
check_parent_synCheck synID of parent in manifest
check_passCreate custom conditions for reporting
check_schema_dfCheck a data frame of data against a JSON Schema
check_schema_jsonCheck data against a JSON Schema
check_team_membershipCheck team membership
check_valuesCheck a set of keys and their values
dccvalidator-packagedccvalidator: Metadata Validation for Data Coordinating...
df_to_json_listConvert data frame to JSON
file_summaryUI for the file summary module
get_synapse_annotationsGet Synapse annotations
get_synapse_tableGet Synapse table
get_templateGet a template
report_unsatisfied_requirementsCreate a modal dialog if user is not in required team(s) or...
results_boxesUI function for results boxes module
run_appRun the Shiny application
valid_annotation_keysValid annotation keys
valid_annotation_valuesValid annotation values
with_busy_indicator_uiShow busy indicator
dccvalidator documentation built on July 2, 2020, 4:05 a.m.