
Defines functions fit_m2.GDINA fit_m2

Documented in fit_m2

#' Model Fit M2 Calculations
#' Estimate the M2 statistic as described by Liu et al. (2016).
#' @param model An estimated diagnostic classification model.
#' @param ci The confidence interval for the RMSEA.
#' @param ... Unused, for extensibility.
#' @return A data frame containing:
#' * `m2`: The M2 statistic
#' * `df`: Degrees of freedom for the M2 statistic
#' * `pval`: _p_-value for the M2 statistic
#' * `rmsea`: Root mean square error of approximation
#' * `ci_lower`: Lower end of `ci` interval for RMSEA
#' * `ci_upper`: Upper end of `ci` interval for RMSEA
#' * `srmsr`: Standardized root mean square residual
#' @references Liu, Y., Tian, W., & Xin, T. (2016). An application of
#'    \eqn{M_2}{M2} statistic to evaluate the fit of cognitive diagnostic
#'    models. *Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 41*, 3-26.
#'    \doi{10.3102/1076998615621293}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' possible_prof <- dcm2::as_binary(ncol(sample_data$q_matrix))
#' fit_dat <- sample_data$data %>%
#'              tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "item_id",
#'                                 values_from = "score") %>%
#'              dplyr::select(-"resp_id") %>%
#'              as.matrix() %>%
#'              unname()
#' gdina_mod <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = fit_dat,
#'                           Q = data.frame(sample_data$q_matrix),
#'                           model = "logitGDINA",
#'                           control = list(conv.type = "neg2LL"))
#' fit_m2(gdina_mod, ci = 0.9)
fit_m2 <- function(model, ci = 0.9, ...) {

#' @export
fit_m2.GDINA <- function(model, ci = 0.9, ...) {
  mod_type <- unique(model$model)
  if (mod_type == "LOGITGDINA") mod_type <- "LCDM"

  link_func <- unique(c("identity", "logit", "log")[model$options$linkfunc])

  m2 <- calc_m2(data = model$options$dat, struc_params = model$struc.parm,
                pi_matrix = model$LC.prob, qmatrix = model$options$Q,
                ci = ci, link = link_func, model_type = mod_type)


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