Man pages for ddR
Distributed Data Structures in R

as.darrayConvert input matrix into a distributed array.
as.dframeConvert input matrix or data.frame into a distributed...
as.dlistCreates a distributed list from the input.
cash-DObject-methodExtracts elements of a distributed object matching the name.
cbind-DObject-methodColumn binds the objects.
collectFetch partition(s) of 'darray', 'dframe' or 'dlist' from...
colMeans-DObject-methodGets the column means for a distributed array or data.frame.
colnames-DObject-methodGets the colnames for the distributed object.
colSums-DObject-methodGet the column sums for a distributed array or data.frame.
combineCombines a list of partitions into a single distributed...
darrayCreates a distributed array with the specified partitioning...
ddRDriver-classThe base S4 class for backend driver classes to extend.
dframeCreates a distributed data.frame with the specified...
dimnames-DObject-methodGets the dimnames for the distributed object.
dimnames-set-DObject-list-methodSets the dimnames for the distributed object.
dlapplyDistributed version of 'lapply'. Similar to 'dmapply', but...
dlistCreates a distributed list with the specified partitioning...
dmapplyDistributed version of mapply. Similar to R's 'mapply', it...
DObject-classThe baseline distributed object class to be extended by each...
do_collectBackend implemented function to move data from storage to the...
do_dmapplyBackend-specific dmapply logic. This is a required override...
extract-methodsExtract parts of a distributed object.
getBestOutputPartitioningThis is an overrideable function that determines what the...
getPartitionIdsAndOffsetsGets the internal set of partitions, and offsets within each...
get_partsGets the partitions to a distributed object, given an index.
initCalled when the backend driver is initialized.
is.darrayReturns whether the input is a darray
is.dframeReturns whether the input is a dframe
is.dlistReturns whether the input is a dlist
is.dobjectReturns whether the input entity is a DObject
is.sparse_darrayReturns whether the input is a sparse_darray
mean-DObject-methodGets the mean value of the elements within the object.
names-set-DObject-methodSets the names of a distributed object
npartsReturns a 2d-vector denoting the number of partitions...
packageDistributed Data-structures in R
parallelThe default parallel driver
partsRetrieves, as a list of independent objects, pointers to each...
psizeReturn sizes of each partition of the input distributed...
rbind-DObject-methodrow binds the arguments
repartitionRepartitions a distributed object. This function takes two...
rowMeans-DObject-methodGets the row means for a distributed array or data.frame.
rownames-DObject-methodGets the rownames for the distributed object.
rowSums-DObject-methodGets the row sums for a distributed array or data.frame.
shutdownCalled when the backend driver is shutdown.
sub-sub-DObject-numeric-methodExtracts a single element of a distributed object.
sum-DObject-methodGets the sum of the objects.
totalPartsReturns the total number of partitions of the distributed...
useBackendSets the active backend driver. Functions exported by the...
ddR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 6:52 p.m.