Man pages for deTestSet
Test Set for Differential Equations

bimdBlended Implicit Method for DAE
daeGeneral Solver for Differential Algebraic Equations
deTestSetSolvers and Test Set for Initial Value Problems of Ordinary...
dopri5Dormand-Prince or CashCarp Runge-Kutta of Order (4)5
dopri853Dormand-Prince Runge-Kutta of Order 8(5,3)
ex_andrewsAndrews Squeezing Mechanism, Index 3 DAE
ex_beamMotion of Inextensible Elastic Beam, ODE
ex_caraxisThe Car Axis Mechanical Problem, Index 3 DAE
ex_crankSlider Crank Mechanical Problem, Index 2 DAE
ex_E5E5 Model for Chemical Pyrolysis, ODE
ex_emepEmep MSC-W Ozone Chemistry Problem, ODE
ex_feketeElliptic Fekete Points, Mechanical Problem, Index 2 DAE
ex_hiresHigh Irradiance Response model, from Plant Physiology, ODE
ex_nandNand Gate, Index 1 IDE
ex_oregoThe Oregonator Chemistry Model, ODE
ex_pleiadesMotion of Inextensible Elastic Beam, ODE
ex_pollutionPollution Problem, from Chemistry, ODE
ex_referenceReference Value of Test Set Problems
ex_ringThe Ring Modulator Problem, Electrical Circuit Analysis, ODE
ex_roberAutocatalytic Chemical Reaction of Robertson, ODE
ex_transistorThe Transistor Amplifier, Index 1 DAE
ex_tubeWater Tube System, Mechanics problem, DAE of Index 2
ex_twobitThe Two Bit Adding Unit, Index 1 DAE
ex_vdpolvan der Pol Equation, Nonlinear Vacuum Tube Circuit, ODE
ex_wheelsetWheel Set problem, mechanics, Index 2 IDE
gamdGeneralised Adams IVP Method for DAE
mebdfiSolver for Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE) up to index...
deTestSet documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:10 p.m.