
#' @name drop_undeclare
#' @title Drop information / undeclare labelled objects
#' @description
#' A function to obtain a version of the object with all information about
#' declared missing values, dropped
#' @details
#' The function `undeclare()` replaces the NA entries into their original
#' numeric values, and drops all attributes related to missing values:
#' `na_values`, `na_range` and `na_index`, and it preserves the labels referring
#' to the missing values.
#' The result can be a regular vector (dropping all attributes, including the
#' class "declared") by activating the argument `drop`.
#' Function `drop_na()` transforms the declared missing values in regular empty
#' NAs, and the labels referring to the missing values are deleted by default.
#' Function `drop()` deletes all attributes.
#' @family labelling functions
#' @return A declared labelled object.
#' @examples
#' x <- declared(
#'     c(-2, 1:5, -1),
#'     labels = c("Good" = 1, "Bad" = 5, "DK" = -1),
#'     na_values = c(-1, -2),
#'     label = "Test variable"
#' )
#' x
#' undeclare(x)
#' drop_na(x)
#' drop(x)
#' undeclare(x, drop = TRUE)
#' # similar to:
#' drop(undeclare(x))
#' @param x A labelled object with declared missing values
#' @param drop Logical, drop all attributes
#' @param drop_labels Logical, drop the labels for the declared missing values
#' @param ... Other internal arguments
#' @export
`undeclare` <- function (x, drop = FALSE, ...) {
  UseMethod ("undeclare")

#' @export
`undeclare.default` <- function (x, drop = FALSE, ...) {
  # do nothing
  return (x)

#' @export
`undeclare.declared` <- function (x, drop = FALSE, ...) {
  na_index <- attr (x, "na_index")
  attrx <- attributes (x)

  # this is necessary to replace those values
  # (because of the "[<-.declared" method)
  attributes (x) <- NULL # or x <- unclass (x), but I find this cleaner

  if (!is.null (na_index)) {
    x[na_index] <- names (na_index)
    x <- coerceMode_ (x)

  attrx$na_index <- NULL
  attrx$na_values <- NULL
  attrx$na_range <- NULL

  if (isFALSE (drop)) {
    attributes (x) <- attrx
  return (x)

#' @export
`undeclare.data.frame` <- function (x, drop = FALSE, ...) {
  declared <- vapply (x, is.declared, logical (1))
  x[declared] <- lapply (x[declared], undeclare, drop = drop)

  return (x)

#' @rdname drop_undeclare
#' @export
`drop_na` <- function (x, drop_labels = TRUE) {
  UseMethod ("drop_na")

#' @export
`drop_na.default` <- function (x, drop_labels = TRUE) {
  # do nothing

#' @export
`drop_na.haven_labelled_spss` <- function (x, drop_labels = TRUE) {
  attrx <- attributes (x)
  x[is.element (x, attrx$na_values)] <- NA
  if (isTRUE (drop_labels)) {
    attrx$labels <- attrx$labels[!is.element (attrx$labels, attrx$na_values)]
  attrx$na_index <- NULL
  attrx$na_values <- NULL
  attrx$na_range <- NULL
  attributes (x) <- attrx
  return (x)

#' @export
`drop_na.declared` <- function (x, drop_labels = TRUE) {
  attrx <- attributes (x)
  if (isTRUE (drop_labels)) {
    attrx$labels <- attrx$labels[!is.element (attrx$labels, attrx$na_values)]
  attrx$na_index <- NULL
  attrx$na_values <- NULL
  attrx$na_range <- NULL
  attributes (x) <- attrx
  return (x)

#' @export
`drop_na.data.frame` <- function (x, drop_labels = TRUE) {
  declared <- vapply (x, is.declared, logical (1))
  x[declared] <- lapply (x[declared], drop_na, drop_labels = drop_labels)
  return (x)

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declared documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:09 p.m.