denoiSeq: Differential Expression Analysis Using a Bottom-Up Model

Given count data from two conditions, it determines which transcripts are differentially expressed across the two conditions using Bayesian inference of the parameters of a bottom-up model for PCR amplification. This model is developed in Ndifon Wilfred, Hilah Gal, Eric Shifrut, Rina Aharoni, Nissan Yissachar, Nir Waysbort, Shlomit Reich Zeliger, Ruth Arnon, and Nir Friedman (2012), <>, and results in a distribution for the counts that is a superposition of the binomial and negative binomial distribution.

Package details

AuthorGershom Buri [aut, cre], Wilfred Ndifon [aut]
MaintainerGershom Buri <>
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the denoiSeq package in your browser

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denoiSeq documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:33 a.m.