
Defines functions crt.match

Documented in crt.match

#' Cluster numbers determination for cluster randomized trails (CRT) matched case
#' @description Determine the number of clusters need per group for matched cluster randomized trails
#' @usage crt.match(type, mu1, mu2, alpha, beta, sig.w, sig.bm, m, k)
#' @details
#' In cluster-randomized trials (CRTs), matching is a technique that can be used to improve
#' covariate balance. Matching protects against chance imbalances in baseline covariate distributions and is
#' thought to improve study credibility. Matching is also implemented to increase study power. Pairs of similar
#' clusters are formed and then one cluster from the pair is randomized to group 1 while the other is assigned
#' to group 2. Now we are going to determine the number of cluster in each group.
#' @param type    There are three types of comparison i.e. type = c("M", "P", "IR"),
#'                      "M" stands for comparison of means
#'                      "P" stands for comparison of proportions
#'                      "IR" stands for comparison of incidence rates
#' @param mu1 The mean/proportion/incidence rate value of the 1st group
#' @param mu2 The mean/proportion/incidence rate value of the 2nd group
#' @param alpha Level of significance
#' @param beta The probability of type-II error
#' @param sig.w Standard deviation of within cluster
#' @param sig.bm Standard deviation of between cluster
#' @param m Number of subject in each cluster which is person-years in the case of incidence rates
#' @param k Common value of the coefficient of variation for each group
#' @return
#' crt.match returns a value indicating the number of clusters needed per group
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @examples
#' # (a) Comparison of means:
#' # This is a matched cluster randomized trials. The type ="M" indicates the comparison of
#' # means. The mean responses of a test group is mu1 = 0.06 and a reference group is mur =
#' # 0.4. The standard deviationof within cluster and between  cluster are sig.w = 0.69 and
#' # sig.bm = 0.224 respectively, m = 20 indicates number of subject in each cluster. alpha
#' # =.05 is the level of significance and the probability of type-II error is beta = 0.10.
#' crt.match(type="M",mu1=0.6,mu2=0.4,alpha=0.05,beta=0.20,sig.w=0.69,sig.bm=0.224,m=20)
#' # (b) Comparison of proportions:
#' # This is a matched  cluster randomized trials. Where type = "P" indicates the tests for
#' # comparison of proportions. The proportion of a test group is mu1 =0.01 and a reference
#' # group is mur = 0.0075. The Standard deviation of between cluster is sig.bm=0.224 and m
#' # = 2750 indicates number of subject in each cluster, alpha = 0.05 is the level of signi
#' # -ficance and probability of type-II error is beta = 0.10.
#' crt.match(type="P",mu1=0.01,mu2=0.0075,alpha=0.05,beta=0.10,sig.bm=0.0075,m=2750)
#' #(c) Comparison of incidence rates:
#' # This is a matched cluster randomized trials. Where type = "IR" indicates the tests the
#' # comparison of incidence rates. The incidence rate of a test group is mu1 = 4.5 and for
#' # reference group is mur = 3.6. A total of m = 50 person years is considered, alpha =.05
#' # is the level ofsignificance and the probability of type-II error is beta = 0.10. k=0.3
#' # indicates the common value of the coefficient of variation for each group.
#' crt.match(type="IR",mu1=4.5,mu2=3.6,alpha=0.05,beta=0.20,m=50,k=0.3)
#' @author Atanu Bhattacharjee, Rajashree Dey ,Soutik Halder and Akash Pawar
#' @seealso ABdesign crt.unmatch expsize phsize precsize prsize crsize
#' @export
crt.match <- function(type,mu1,mu2,alpha,beta,sig.w,sig.bm,m,k)

  else if(type=="P")


  return(cat("The number of cluster in each group: ",e,"\n"))



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