Man pages for dialectR
Doing Dialectometry in R

acoustic_distanceAcoustic distance based on Mel-Frequency Cepstral...
cluster_mapVisualize dialect groups with clustering methods
dialectR-packageA short title line describing what the package does
distance_matrixDistance matrix for Dialectometry
distDutchResults of applying VC-levenshtein distance on the 'Dutch'...
distmat_to_dfConvert a dialectometric distance matrix to a dataframe
DutchDutch dialect data from the Goeman-Taeldeman-Van...
DutchKMLKML (Keyhole Markup Language) file for the 'Dutch' dataset
eWav file of "e" in the international phonetic alphabet
get_clustersClustering groups returned as dataframe
get_pointsGet KML points from KML data
get_polygonsGet KML polygon from KML data
iWav file of "i" in the international phonetic alphabet
levenEdit distance for Dialectometry
mds_mapVisualize dialect continua with MDS maps
vc_levenVC-sensitive edit distance for Dialectometry
dialectR documentation built on May 20, 2021, 9:06 a.m.