
Defines functions agreementj comissionj omissionj shiftDj quantityDj overallShiftD overallQtyD overallExchangeD overallDiffCatj overallDiff overallAllocD exchangeDj exchangeDij

Documented in agreementj comissionj exchangeDij exchangeDj omissionj overallAllocD overallDiff overallDiffCatj overallExchangeD overallQtyD overallShiftD quantityDj shiftDj

exchangeDij <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate pairwise exchange difference for all categories
  exchDij <- 2 * pmin(ctmatrix, t(ctmatrix))
  # select lower triangle of exchDij
  res <- lower.tri(exchDij) * exchDij
  # return lower triangle of exchDij

exchangeDj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate pairwise exchange difference for all categories
  exchDij <- 2 * pmin(ctmatrix, t(ctmatrix))
  # select lower triangle of exchDij
  exchDij.lt <- lower.tri(exchDij) * exchDij
  # sum exchange differences for each category
  res <- apply(exchDij.lt, 1, sum) + apply(exchDij.lt, 2, sum)
  # return sum of exchange differences for each category

overallAllocD <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate overall allocation difference
  res <- overallDiff(ctmatrix) - overallQtyD(ctmatrix)
  # return overall allocation difference

overallDiff <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate overall difference
  res <- sum(ctmatrix) - sum(diag(ctmatrix))
  # return overall difference

overallDiffCatj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate overall difference for each category
  res <- apply(ctmatrix, 1, sum) + apply(ctmatrix, 2, sum) - 2 * diag(ctmatrix)
  # return overall difference for each category

overallExchangeD <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate overall exchange difference
  Exchange <- exchangeDj(ctmatrix)
  res <- sum(Exchange) / 2
  # return overall exchange difference

overallQtyD <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate overall quantity difference
  qtydj <- abs(apply(ctmatrix, 1, sum) - apply(ctmatrix, 2, sum))
  res <- sum(qtydj) / 2
  # return overall quantity difference

overallShiftD <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate overall shift difference
  Shift <- shiftDj(ctmatrix)
  res <- sum(Shift) / 2
  # return overall shift difference

quantityDj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate quantity difference for each category
  res <- abs(apply(ctmatrix, 1, sum) - apply(ctmatrix, 2, sum))
  # return quantity difference for each category

shiftDj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate shift difference for each category
  res <- overallDiffCatj(ctmatrix) - quantityDj(ctmatrix) - exchangeDj(ctmatrix)
  # return shift difference for each category

omissionj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate omission for each category
  res <- apply(ctmatrix, 2, sum) - diag(ctmatrix)
  # return omission for each category

comissionj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate commission for each category
  res <- apply(ctmatrix, 1, sum) - diag(ctmatrix)
  # assign names to commission values
  names(res) <- colnames(ctmatrix)
  # return commission for each category

agreementj <- function(ctmatrix){
  # calculate agreement for each category
  res <- apply(ctmatrix, 1, sum) - comissionj(ctmatrix)
  # assign names to agreement values
  names(res) <- colnames(ctmatrix)
  # return agreement for each category

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diffeR documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:11 a.m.