
#' class for diffrproject
#' @docType class
#' @name diffrproject
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{diffrproject}}
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} creator object.
#' @section The diffrprojects class family:
#'   Diffrproject consists of an set of R6 classes that are conencted by
#'   inheritance. Each class handles a different set of functionalities that are
#'   modular.
#'   \describe{ \item{R6_rtext_extended}{ A class that has nothing to do per se
#'   with diffrprojects. It merely adds some basic features to the base R6 class
#'   (debugging, hashing, getting fields and handling warnings and messages as
#'   well as listing content). This class is imported from rtext package }
#'   \item{dp_base}{ [inherits from rtext::R6_rtext_extended] This class forms
#'   the foundation of all diffrpojects (dp_xxx) classes by implementing data
#'   fields for meta data, texts, data on texts, links between texts, alignment
#'   of text tokens, and data on the alignment of text tokens. Furthermore it
#'   implements methods add, delete, code, and link texts or to aggregate text
#'   data on text token level. }
#'   \item{dp_loadsave}{ [inherits from dp_base] This class allows for loading
#'   and saving diffrprojects from and to Rdata files. }
#'   \item{dp_export}{ [inherits from dp_loadsave] This class provides methods
#'   for exporting and importing to and from RSQLite. }
#'   \item{dp_align}{ [inherits from dp_export] This is one of the workhorses of
#'   diffrprojects. The methods of this class allow for adding, deleting or
#'   computing alignments between text tokens (e.g. words or lines or sentences
#'   or characters or paragraphs, or some other way to split text into chunks).
#'   Furthermore it allows to also assign data to individual alignments (a
#'   connection beween two token of text from different text versions). }
#'   \item{dp_inherit}{ [inherits from dp_align] The text_data_inherit method
#'   added by this class allows to copy text data from one token of a text
#'   version to another token of another text version channeled through
#'   aligments with zero distance. Conflicting codings (a text might have
#'   multiple codings stemming from several links and from direct coding of the
#'   text) are resolved by the fact that text codings are accompanied by a
#'   hierarchy level that defaults to zero and gets decreased by one every time
#'   the coding is inherited by a token. }
#'   \item{diffrproject}{ [inherits from dp_inherit] Just a wrapper inheriting
#'   from dp_inherit to have a less technical name at the end of the inheritance
#'   chain. } }
#' @examples
#' ## Creating a Diffrprojects Instance
#' # To create a diffrproject we use the diffrproject creator object -
#' # its simply an object with an function that knows how to create a project.
#' # Creating a project looks like this:
#' library(diffrprojects)
#' dp <- diffrproject$new()
#' # Et viola - we created a first, for now empty, project that we will
#' # use throughout the tutorial.
#' ## Some Help Please
#' # To get a better idea about what this thing called *diffrproject* really is
#' # you can consult its help page which gives a broad overview over its
#' # capabilities:
#' ?diffrproject
#' # Another way is to call the ls() method. This will present us with a
#' # data frame listing all fields where data is stored and all the methods
#' # (aka object specific functions) of our diffrprojects instance.
#' # Those methods and fields located in *private* are not for the user
#' # to mess around with while non-private (*self* aka public) data fields
#' # can be read by the user and public methods can be triggered by the
#' # user to manipulate the data or retrieve data in a specific format.
#' dp$ls()
#' # The base R class() function furthermore reveals from which classes the
#' # diffrproject class inherits:
#' class(dp)
#' ## Adding Texts to Projects
#' # Our diffrproject (`dp`) has one method called `text_add()` that allows to
#' # add texts to the project. Basically the method can be used in three
#' # different flavors: adding character vectors, adding texts stored on disk,
#' # or by adding rtext objects (see rtext package:
#' # https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rtext; rtext objects are the way
#' # individual texts are represented within diffrprojects).
#' # For each of these used cases there is one option:
#' # `text`, `text_file`, `rtext`; respectively.
#' # Below are shown examples using each of these methods:
#' #  **adding text files**
#' test_file1 <- stringb:::test_file("rc_1_ch1.txt")
#' test_file2 <- stringb:::test_file("rc_2_ch1.txt")
#' dp$text_add(text_file = c(test_file1, test_file2) )
#' # **adding rtext objects**
#' test_file <- stringb:::test_file("rc_1_ch1.txt")
#' rt <- rtext$new( text_file = test_file)
#' dp$text_add(rtext = rt)
#' # **adding character vectors**
#' test_file1 <- stringb:::test_file("rc_1_ch1.txt")
#' test_file2 <- stringb:::test_file("rc_2_ch1.txt")
#' cv <- ""
#' cv[1] <- text_read(test_file1, NULL)
#' cv[2] <- text_read(test_file2, NULL)
#' dp$text_add(text = cv)
#' # In the last case make sure to put each text in one separate line.
#' # Functions like readLines() or text_read() read in texts such that
#' # each line corresponds to one element in a character vector. With e.g.
#' # text_read()'s tokenize parameter to NULL the text will be read in as one
#' # long string.
#' ## Piping Methods
#' # Now is a good time to mention a feature of diffrprojects that comes in
#' # handy: All functions that do not explicitly extract data
#' # (those usually have some 'get' as part of their name) do return the
#' # object itself so that one can pipe together a series of method calls.
#' # Consider the following example where we initiate a new diffrprojects
#' # instance and add two texts in just one pipe:
#' dp <-
#'   diffrproject$
#'   new()$
#'   text_add(text_version_1, name = "version1")$
#'   text_add(text_version_2, name = "version2")
#' length(dp$text)
#' ## Getting Infos About Texts
#' # If we want to get some general overview about the texts gathered in our
#' # project, we can use the text_meta_data() method to do so.
#' # The method has no parameters and returns a data.frame with several
#' # variables informing us about its source, length, encoding used for
#' # storage, and its name.
#' dp$text_meta_data()
#' ## Showing Text
#' # If you want to have a look at your texts you may do so by using the
#' # text's own text_show methods. Per default this method only shows the
#' # first 500 characters, but it can be set to higher numbers as well.
#' dp$text$version1$text_show(length=1000)
#' dp$text$version2$text_show(length=1000)
#' ## Getting And Setting Infos About the Project
#' # Similar to the text_meta_data() method we can access the projects
#' # meta data via data fields meta and options. But contrary to the
#' # text_meta_data() method that gathers data from all the texts within the
#' # project and does not allow for manipulation of the data, the data
#' # fields allow reading and writing.
#' # First let us have a look and thereafter turn off the message
#' # notification service:
#' # **getting data fields**
#' dp$options
#' # **setting data fields**
#' dp$options$verbose <- FALSE
#' # (note, ask is deprecated and only remains for compatibility
#' # reasons but has no function anymore)
#' # Now it's time to have a look at the projects meta data.
#' # It tells us when the project was created, which path to use for
#' # SQLite exports, which path to use for saving data as in RData
#' # format and what is the projects id. The id is a hash of a time stamp
#' # as well as session information which should ensure uniqueness across
#' # space and time.
#' # All these values can be manipulated by the user to her liking.
#' dp$meta
#' dp$meta$file_path = "./diffrproject.RData"
#' ## Deleting Texts
#' # Of cause we can not only add texts but delete them from the project as
#' # well. For this purpose there is the text_delete() method.
#' # Let's just add two texts and delete one by providing its index number and
#' # the second by providing its name to the text_delete() method.
#' dp$text_add(text = "nonesense", "n1")
#' dp$text_add(text = "nonesense", "n2")
#' dp$text_delete(3)
#' dp$text_delete("n2")
#' length(dp$text)
#' names(dp$text)
#' ## Defining Relationships Between Texts: Linking
#' # The purpose of diffrprojects is to enable data collection on the
#' # difference of texts. Having filled a project with various texts,
#' # there are endless possibilities to form pairs of text for comparison
#' # and change measurement - where endless actually is equal to: $n^2-n$.
#' # Linking can be done via the text_link method which accepts either
#' # index numbers or text names for its from and to arguments
#' # (a third argument delete will delete a specified link if set to TRUE).
#' dp$text_link(from = 1, to = 2)
#' dp$text_link(from = 1, to = 2, delete = TRUE)
#' # If no arguments are specified, text_link will link the first text to
#' # the second, the third to the fourth, the fourth to the fifths and so on.
#' dp$text_link()
#' # To get an idea of what links are currently specified, we can
#' # directly access the link data field or/and ask R to transform the
#' # list found there into a data.frame.
#' dp$link
#' dp$link %>% as.data.frame()
#' ## Aligning Texts and Measuring Change
#' # At the heart of each diffrproject lies the text_align method.
#' # This method compares two texts and tries to align parts
#' # of one text with parts of the other text. The first two
#' # arguments (`t1` and `t2`) are for specifying which pair
#' # of texts to compare - if left as-is, all text pairs that
#' # are specified within the link data field will be aligned.
#' # Text parts are arbitrary character spans defined by the
#' # `tokenizer` argument. This argument expects a function splitting
#' # text into a token data.frame. If the tokenizer argument
#' # is left as-is, it will default to text_tokenize_lines function
#' # from the stringb package.
#' # Text tokens can be pre-processed before alignment. The `clean`
#' # argument allows to hand over a function tranforming a charactr
#' # vector of text tokens into their clean counterparts.
#' # The `ignore` arguments expects a function that is able to
#' # transform a character vector of tokens into a logical vector
#' # of same length, indicating which tokens to ignore throughout
#' # the alignment process and which to consider.
#' # The next argument - `distance` - specifies which distance
#' # metrics to use to calculate distances between strings.
#' # Since the text_align method basically is a wrapper around
#' # diff_align you can get more information via `?diff_align`
#' # and since again diff_align is a wrapper around stringdist
#' # from the stringdist package `?stringdist::stringdist` and
#' # also ``?stringdist::`stringdist-metrics` `` will provide
#' # further insights about possible metrics and how to use the
#' # rest of the arguments to text_align (these are passed through
#' # to stringdist).
#' # Let's have an example using the Levenshtein distance to
#' # calculate distances between tokens (lines per default).
#' # Furthermore we allow the distance between two aligned tokens
#' # to be as large as 15. Tokens which do not find a partner
#' # below that distance are considered to have been deleted
#' # or respectively inserted. Tokens which find a partner with
#' # a non-zero distance which is not above the threshhold are
#' # considered changes - transformations of one token into the other.
#' # The following shows the resulting list of alignment data.frames.
#' dp$text_align(distance = "lv", maxDist = 15)
#' dp$alignment
#' # To measure the change between those two texts we can e.g. aggregate
#' # the distances by change type:
#' sum_up_changes <- function(x){
#' x %>%
#' dplyr::group_by(type) %>%
#' dplyr::summarise(sum_of_change = sum(distance))
#' }
#' lapply( dp$alignment, sum_up_changes)
#' ## Coding Texts
#' # Now let us put some data into our diffrproject.
#' # The most basic method to do so is simply called text_code.
#' # Text_code takes up
#' # to five arguments (the first three are mandatory), where one
#' # specifies the text to be coded (`text`, either by index
#' # number or by name), how the variable to store the information
#' # is called (`x`), and the index number or a vector of those
#' # indicating which characters of the text should be coded.
#' # The last two parameters are optional and specify which value
#' # the variable should hold (`val`) and at which hierarchy
#' # level the coding is placed (`hl`, higher or equal hierarchy
#' # levels will overwrite existing codings of lower hierarchy
#' # level for the same text, character span, and variable).
#' dp$text_code(text = 1, x = "start", i=1:5, val = TRUE, hl = 0)
#' dp$text_code(text = "version2", x = "start", i=1:5, val = TRUE, hl = 0)
#' # The text_code method is quite verbose and in most cases more suited
#' # to be accessed by a machine or algorithm than by a human.
#' # Therefore, there are three other methods to code text:
#' # text_code_regex, text_code_alignment_token,
#' # text_code_alignment_token_regex.
#' # The text_code_regex method allows to search for text patterns and
#' # code a whole pattern instead of assigning codes character by
#' # character - the `i` argument of text_code gets replaced by a
#' # `pattern` argument. The in addition further arguments can be
#' # passed to the pattern search functions via `...` - see e.g.
#' # `?grep` for possible further arguments and
#' # https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/regex.html for a
#' # description of regular expressions in R.
#' # In this example we are searching for the word *"it"* in text 1 and code
#' # each instance.
#' dp$text_code_regex(text = 1, x = "it", pattern = "\\bit\\b", ignore.case=TRUE)
#' # Another variant of coding text is by using alignment tokens.
#' # Having alignment data availible, this allows for selecting:
#' # link, alignment and text while the other arguments from above stay the
#' # same.
#' # having a look at alignment number 4
#' dp$alignment[[1]][4,]
#' # coding text connected by alignment number 4
#' dp$text_code_alignment_token(
#'   link        = 1,
#'   alignment_i = 4,
#'   text1       = TRUE,
#'   text2       = TRUE,
#'   x   = "token_coding",
#'   val = 4,
#'   hl  = 0
#' )
#' ## Getting Text Codings
#' # The most basic way to get text data is to use the text_data method.
#' # This method will go through all or only selected texts, gather all
#' # the data stored there and put it into a neat data.frame where name
#' # identifies the text from which the data comes per name, char informs
#' # us about the character that was coded, and i refers to the characters
#' # position within the text. All other variables hold the data we added
#' # during the examples above.
#' dp$text_data(text = 1) %>% head()
#' ## Aggregating Text Codings
#' # The usage of text_data has its merits but often one is more
#' # interested in text data aggregated to a specific level.
#' # The following three aggregation functions offer a solution
#' # to this problem: tokenize_text_data_lines, tokenize_text_data_words,
#' # and tokenize_text_data_regex. These three methods make use
#' # of the similiary named methods provided by the rtext package.
#' # One important thing to keep in mind is that using these methods
#' # implies aggregating several data values on character level
#' # into one data value at token level. Therefore there has
#' # to be some aggregation function to be involved. The default
#' # is to use the value that occurs most often on character
#' # level, if more than one distinct values occur more than
#' # once the first is choosen.
#' # The aggregation function can be changed to whatever function the
#' # user seems appropriate by passing it to `aggregate_function`
#' # - as long as it
#' # reduces a vector of values into a vector with only one value.
#' # The `join` argument allows to decide how text and data are
#' # joined
#' # into the resulting data.frame - left: all token, right: all data, full:
#' # token with or without data and data with or without token.
#' dp$tokenize_text_data_lines(
#' text = 1,
#' join = "right",
#' aggregate_function =
#' function(x){
#' paste(x[1:3], collapse = ",")
#' }
#' )
#' ## Text Coding Inheritence
#' # Having aligned two texts via token pairs another functionality of
#' # diffrprojects becomes availible: text coding inheritance via no-change
#' # tokens. This means that text codings can get copied to those tokens they
#' # are aligned with, given that they are considered the same - i.e. the
#' # distance equals zero and the change type therefore is no-change.
#' # To show this feature we use the text_inherit method and we will
#' # start with a fresh example. A new project with two texts. The first text
#' # gets some codings, then they are aligned, and in a last step codings are
#' # transfered from one text to the other via the text_data_inherit method.
#' dp <-
#' diffrproject$new()$
#' text_add(text_version_1)$
#' text_add(text_version_2)$
#' text_code_regex(
#' text    = 1,
#' x       = "test1",
#' pattern = "This part.*?change",
#' val = "inherited"
#' )$
#' text_code_regex(
#' text    = 1,
#' x       = "test2",
#' pattern = "This part.*?change",
#' val = "inherited"
#' )
#' dp$tokenize_text_data_lines(1)
#' dp$
#' text_link()$
#' text_align()$
#' text_data_inherit(
#' link      = 1,
#' direction = "forward"
#' )
#' dp$tokenize_text_data_lines(2)
#' ## Saving and Loading Projects
#' # Diffrprojects also allow for storing and loading project to and
#' # from disk.
#' # note, uncomment code lines to run
#' # save to file
#' # dp$save(file = "dp_save.RData")
#' # remove object
#' # rm(dp)
#' # create new object and load saved data into new object
#' # dp <- diffrproject$new()
#' # dp$load("dp_save.RData")
#' # dp$tokenize_text_data_lines(2)

diffrproject <-

    #### class name ============================================================
    classname    = "diffrproject",

    #### misc ====================================================================
    active       = NULL,
    inherit      = dp_inherit,
    lock_objects = TRUE,
    class        = TRUE,
    portable     = TRUE,
    lock_class   = FALSE,
    cloneable    = TRUE,
    parent_env   = asNamespace('diffrprojects')

  )# closes R6Class

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diffrprojects documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:43 p.m.