explore_tabulation: Interactively explore a tabulation of a phytosociological...

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explore_tabulationR Documentation

Interactively explore a tabulation of a phytosociological matrix


This function plots an interactive image of a tabulation.


explore_tabulation(tab, palette = "Vik")



A list as returned by the tabulation() function.


A character with the name of the colour palette (one of grDevices::hcl.pals() to be passed to grDevices::hcl.colors(). Defaults to "Vik".


The function explore.tabulation accepts an object returned by the tabulation() function, plotting a condensed image of the respective tabulated matrix, permitting the user to click on the coloured blocks and receive the respective list of taxa names on the console.


Returns invisibly, although it prints taxa names on the console upon the user click on the figure.


Tiago Monteiro-Henriques. E-mail: tmh.dev@icloud.com.


# Getting the Taxus baccata forests data set
# Creating a group partition, as presented in the original article of
# the data set
groups <- rep(c(1, 2, 3), c(3, 11, 19))

# Removing taxa occurring in only one relevé in order to
# reproduce exactly the example in the original article of the data set
taxus_bin_wmt <- taxus_bin[rowSums(taxus_bin) > 1, ]

# Sorts the phytosociological table, putting exclusive taxa at the top and
# plots an image of it
tabul <- tabulation(
  m_bin = taxus_bin_wmt,
  p = groups,
  taxa_names = rownames(taxus_bin_wmt),
  plot_im = "normal",
  palette = "Zissou 1"

# This creates an interactive plot (where you can click)
if (interactive()) {
  explore_tabulation(tabul, palette = "Zissou 1")

diffval documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:16 p.m.