optim_tdv_simul_anne: Total Differential Value optimization using a Simulated...

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optim_tdv_simul_anneR Documentation

Total Differential Value optimization using a Simulated Annealing (and GRASP) algorithm(s)


This function searches for k-partitions of the columns of a given matrix (i.e., a partition of the columns in k groups), optimizing the Total Differential Value (TDV) using a stochastic global optimization method called Simulated Annealing (SANN) algorithm. Optionally, a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) can be used to find a initial partition (seed) to be passed to the SANN algorithm.


  p_initial = NULL,
  n_runs = 10,
  n_sol = 1,
  t_inic = 0.3,
  t_final = 1e-06,
  alpha = 0.05,
  n_iter = 1000,
  use_grasp = TRUE,
  thr = 0.95,
  full_output = FALSE



A matrix. A phytosociological table of 0s (absences) and 1s (presences), where rows correspond to taxa and columns correspond to relevés.


A numeric giving the number of desired groups.


A vector of integer numbers with the partition of the relevés (i.e., a k-partition, consisting in a vector with values from 1 to k, with length equal to the number of columns of m_bin, ascribing each relevé to one of the k groups), to be used as initial partition in the Simulated Annealing. For a random partition use p_initial = "random". This argument is ignored if use_grasp = TRUE.


A numeric giving the number of runs. Defaults to 10.


A numeric giving the number of best solutions to keep in the final output (only used if full_output is FALSE; if full_output is TRUE all runs will produce an output). Defaults to 1.


A numeric giving the initial temperature. Must be greater than 0 and maximum admitted value is 1. Defaults to 0.3.


A numeric giving the final temperature. Must be bounded between 0 and 1. Usually very low values are needed to ensure convergence. Defaults to 0.000001.


A numeric giving the fraction of temperature drop to be used in the temperature reduction scheme (see Details). Must be bounded between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.05.


A numeric giving the number of iterations. Defaults to 1000.


A logical. Defaults to TRUE. IF TRUE, a GRASP is used to obtain the initial partitions for the Simulated Annealing. If FALSE the user should provide an initial partition or use or use p_initial = "random" for a random one.


A numeric giving a threshold value (from 0 to 1 ) with the probability used to compute the sample quantile, in order to get the best m_bin columns from which to select one to be include in the GRASP solution (in each step of the procedure). Only needed if use_grasp is TRUE.


A logical. Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE extra information is presented in the output. See Value.


Given a phytosociological table (m_bin, with rows corresponding to taxa and columns corresponding to relevés) this function searches for a k-partition (k, defined by the user) optimizing the TDV, i.e., searches, using a SANN algorithm (optionally working upon GRASP solutions), for a global maximum of TDV (by rearranging the relevés into k groups).

This function uses two main algorithms:

  1. An optional GRASP, which is used to obtain initial solutions (partitions of m_bin) using function partition_tdv_grasp(). Such initial solutions are then submitted to the SANN algorithm.

  2. The (main) SANN algorithm, which is used to search for a global maximum of TDV. The initial partition for each run of SANN can be a partition obtained from GRASP (if use_grasp = TRUE) or, (if use_grasp = FALSE), a partition given by the user (using p_initial) or a random partition (using p_initial = "random").

The SANN algorithm decreases the temperature multiplying the current temperature by 1 - alpha according to a predefined schedule, which is automatically calculated from the given values for t_inic, t_final, alpha and n_iter. Specifically, the cooling schedule is obtained calculating the number of times that the temperature has to be decreased in order to approximate t_final starting from t_inic. The number of times that the temperature decreases, say nt, is calculated by the expression:

⁠floor(n_iter/((n_iter * log(1 - alpha)) / (log((1 - alpha) * t_final / ⁠ ⁠t_inic))))⁠.

Finally, these decreasing stages are scattered through the desired iterations (n_iter) homogeneously, by calculating the indices of the iterations that will experience a decrease in temperature using floor(n_iter / nt * (1:nt)).

SANN is often seen as an exploratory technique where the temperature settings are challenging and dependent on the problem. This function tries to restrict temperature values taking into account that TDV is always between 0 and 1. Even though, obtaining values of temperature that allow convergence can be challenging. full_output = TRUE allows the user to inspect the behaviour of current.tdv and check if convergence fails. Generally, convergence failure can be spotted when final SANN TDV values are similar to the initial current.tdv, specially when coming from random partitions. In such cases, as a rule of thumb, it is advisable to decrease t_final.


If full_output = FALSE (the default), a list with the following components (the GRASP component is only returned if use_grasp = TRUE):


A list with at most n_sol components, each one containing also a list with two components:


A vector with the partition of highest TDV obtained by GRASP;


A numeric with the TDV of par.


A list with at most n_sol components, each one containing also a list with two components:


A vector with the partition of highest TDV obtained by the (GRASP +) SANN algorithm(s);


A numeric with the TDV of par.

If full_output = TRUE, a list with the following components (the GRASP component is only returned if use_grasp = TRUE):


A list with n_runs components, each one containing also a list with two components:


A vector with the partition of highest TDV obtained by GRASP.


A numeric with the TDV of par.


A list with n_runs components, each one containing also a list with six components:


A vector of length n_iter with the current TDV of each SANN iteration.


A vector of length n_iter with the alternative TDV used in each SANN iteration.


A vector of length n_iter with the probability used in each SANN iteration.


A vector of length n_iter with the temperature of each SANN iteration.


A vector with the partition of highest TDV obtained by the (GRASP +) SANN algorithm(s).


A numeric with the TDV of par.


Jorge Orestes Cerdeira and Tiago Monteiro-Henriques. E-mail: tmh.dev@icloud.com.


# Getting the Taxus baccata forests data set

# Removing taxa occurring in only one relevé in order to
# reproduce the example in the original article of the data set
taxus_bin_wmt <- taxus_bin[rowSums(taxus_bin) > 1, ]

# Obtaining a partition that maximizes TDV using the Simulated Annealing
# algorithm
result <- optim_tdv_simul_anne(
  m_bin = taxus_bin_wmt,
  k = 3,
  p_initial = "random",
  n_runs = 5,
  n_sol = 5,
  use_grasp = FALSE,
  full_output = TRUE

# Inspect the result
# The TDV of each run
sapply(result[["SANN"]], function(x) x$tdv)
# The best partition that was found (i.e., with highest TDV)

# A TDV of 0.1958471 indicates you are probably reproducing the three
# groups (Estrela, Gerês and Galicia) from the original article. A solution
# with TDV = 0.2005789 might also occur, but note that one group has only two
# elements. For now, a minimum group size is not implemented in function
# optim_tdv_simul_anne() as it is in the function optim_tdv_hill_climb().

# Inspect how the optimization progressed (should increase towards the right)
  type = "l",
  xlab = "Iteration number",
  ylab = "TDV of the currently accepted solution"
for (run in 2:length(result[["SANN"]])) {

# Plot the sorted (or tabulated) phytosociological table, using the best
# partition that was found
tabul <- tabulation(
  m_bin = taxus_bin_wmt,
  p = result[["SANN"]][[1]]$par,
  taxa_names = rownames(taxus_bin_wmt),
  plot_im = "normal"

diffval documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:16 p.m.