Man pages for dils
Data-Informed Link Strength. Combine multiple-relationship networks into a single weighted network. Impute (fill-in) missing network links.

AdjacencyFromEdgelistConvert an edgelist to an adjacency matrix
dils-packageData-Informed Link Strength. Combine multiple-relationship...
EdgelistFillEnsure an edgelist has all dyads and a column of weights.
EdgelistFromAdjacencyConvert an adjacency matrix to filled edgelist.
EdgelistFromIgraphConvert an igraph to filled edgelist
GenerateDilsNetworkCombine multiple networks into a single weighted network.
GetSampleFromDataFrameRandomly select rows from a data.frame.
GetSampleFromDbSample from the rows of a (possibly large) database table...
GetSampleFromFileSample from the rows of a (possibly large) text file (NOT...
IgraphFromEdgelistConvert an edgelist to an igraph
MeasureNetworkInformationMeasure how much a network informs a particular network...
MergeEdgelistsCombine edgelists into a single data.frame
RelationStrengthSimilarityCalculate the RSS from one node to another.
RelativeNetworkInformationCompare how much two networks inform a particular network...
RssCellCalculate the RSS from one node to another.
RssSuggestedNetworkSuggest a network with imputed links
RssThisRadiusCalculate part of the RSS from one node to another.
ScalablePCAPerform Principal Component Analysis on a large data set
dils documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:28 a.m.