makeCytoband: Find the chromosome arm for each marker

View source: R/makeCytoband.R View source: R/dinamic.R

makeCytobandR Documentation

Find the chromosome arm for each marker


Find the chromosome arm for each marker


makeCytoband(, annot.file, reformat.annot = FALSE)


A two-column numeric matrix of marker position data for markers in the autosomes. Column 1 contains the chromosome number for each marker, and column 2 contains the position (in base pairs) for each marker. This is a submatrix of the marker position matrix used by quickLook and detailedLook.


A dataframe containing cytoband annotation for the autosomes. Each row corresponds to a distinct cytoband, and column 1 contains the chromosome number, column 2 contains the start position (in base pairs), column 3 contains the end position (in base pairs), and column 4 contains the cytoband name (e.g. p21.3). Additional columns may be present, but they are not used.


A logical value that indicates whether annot.file needs to be reformatted.


DiNAMIC's peeling procedure is detailed in Bioinformatics (2011) 27(5) 678 - 685, and it is performed by the peeling function. By construction, the peeling procedure only affects markers in a given chromosome arm. This function is used internally by the peeling function to restrict the peeling procedure to the chromosome arm containing the marker that corresponds to max(colSums(x)).


A character vector of length m, where m is the number of markers.


wilms.pq = makeCytoband(wilms.markers, annot.file)
#A character vector of length 3288, and each entry is either
#"p" or "q", depending on the chromosome arm of the given marker.
#Produces the following output:
#   p    q 
#1147 2141 

dinamic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:45 a.m.