async_expr: Apply R expressions in a parallel way

View source: R/parallels.R

async_exprR Documentation

Apply R expressions in a parallel way


Apply R expressions in a parallel way


  .varname = "x",
  envir = parent.frame(),
  .pre_run = NULL,
  .ncore = future::availableCores(),



a vector or a list to apply evaluation on


R expression, unquoted


variable name representing element of each .X


environment to evaluate expressions


expressions to be evaluated before looping.


number of CPU cores


passed to future::future


async_expr uses lapply and future::future internally. Within each loop, an item in ".X" will be assigned to variable "x" (defined by ".varname") and enter the evaluation. During the evaluation, function async is provided. Expressions within async will be evaluated in another session, otherwise will be evaluated in current session. Below is the workflow:

  • Run .pre_run

  • For i in seq_along(.X):

    • 1. Assign x with .X[[i]], variable name x is defined by .varname

    • 2. Evaluate expr in current session.

      • a. If async is not called, return evaluated expr

      • b. If async(aync_expr) is called, evaluate aync_expr in another session, and return the evaluation results if aync_expr


a list whose length equals to .X. The value of each item returned depends on whether async is called. See details for workflow.

dipsaus documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.