Man pages for disbayes
Bayesian Multi-State Modelling of Chronic Disease Burden Data

ci2numConvert a proportion and credible interval to a numerator and...
conflict_disbayesConflict p-values
disbayesBayesian estimation of chronic disease epidemiology from...
disbayes_hierBayesian estimation of chronic disease epidemiology from...
disbayes-packageThe 'disbayes' package.
ihdenglandIschemic heart disease in England
ihdtrendsTrends in ischemic heart disease in England
loo.disbayesLeave-one-out cross validation for disbayes models
loo_indivExtract observation-specific contributions from a disbayes...
plot.disbayesQuick and dirty plot of estimates from disbayes models...
plot.disbayes_hierQuick plot of estimates from hierarchical disbayes models...
plotfit_data_disbayesCreate tidy data for a check of observed against fitted...
plotfit_disbayesGraphical check of observed against fitted outcome...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
tidy.disbayesForm a tidy data frame from the estimates from a disbayes fit
tidy_obsdatExtract observed data from a disbayes model fit
disbayes documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 1:08 a.m.