ihdengland: Ischemic heart disease in England

ihdenglandR Documentation

Ischemic heart disease in England


Ischemic heart disease in England




A data frame with columns:

sex: "male" or "female".

ageyr. Year of age.

location. Name of the location, which is either a city region or region in England.

num_mort. Numerator behind the estimate of mortality

num_inc. Numerator behind the estimate of incidence

num_prev. Numerator behind the estimate of prevalence

denom_mort. Denominator behind the estimate of mortality

denom_inc. Denominator behind the estimate of incidence

denom_prev. Denominator behind the estimate of prevalence


The data were processed to

* change the geography to refer to England city regions and the remaining English regions,

* change counts by 5-year age groups to estimated 1-year counts,

* obtain estimated numerators and denominators from the published point estimates and uncertainty intervals. A point estimate of the risk is equivalent to the numerator divided by the denominator. The denominator is related to the extent of uncertainty around this estimate, and obtained using the Bayesian method implemented in ci2num.

The script given in https://github.com/chjackson/disbayes/blob/master/data-raw/gbd_process.Rmd shows these steps.


Global Burden of Disease, 2017


Jackson C, Zapata-Diomedi B, Woodcock J. "Bayesian multistate modelling of incomplete chronic disease burden data" https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14100.

disbayes documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 1:08 a.m.