tidy_obsdat: Extract observed data from a disbayes model fit

View source: R/fit.R

tidy_obsdatR Documentation

Extract observed data from a disbayes model fit


Extract observed data from a disbayes model fit





Fitted disbayes model


A data frame with columns num and denom giving the incidence, prevalence and mortality (and remission if used) numerators and denominators used in the model fit. The column var indicates which of incidence, prevalence etc. the numbers refer to. The column prob is derived as num divided by denom. Columns lower and upper define credible intervals for the "data-based" point estimate prob, obtained from the Beta posterior assuming a Beta(0.5, 0.5) prior.

This "data-based" point estimate can be compared with estimates from the model using the functions plotfit_data_disbayes and plotfit_disbayes.

disbayes documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 1:08 a.m.