Man pages for discourseGT
Analyze Group Patterns using Graph Theory in Educational Settings

attributeDataSample Attribute Data
basicPlotPlot Graphs
coreNetAnalysisRun Graphical Analysis Core Parameters
discourseGT-packagediscourseGT: A package to analyze groups patterns using graph...
edgelist_rawProcess raw order lists from two column format to edge lists
plot1AttPlots Graphs using ggplot2 with one attribute
plot2AttPlots Graphs using ggplot2 with two attributes
plotNGTDataPlot non-graphical parameters
prepareGraphsPrepare Graphs
sampleData1Sample Episode Start and Episode Continuation Data (2 Column)
subgroupsNetAnalysisRuns subgroup analysis on graphs
summaryNetPrint summary of graph results
tabulate_edgesProcess raw order lists from two column format to edge and...
writeDataExports graphs and data objects from the package to disk
discourseGT documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.