discourseGT-package: discourseGT: A package to analyze groups patterns using graph...

discourseGT-packageR Documentation

discourseGT: A package to analyze groups patterns using graph theory in educational settings


The package utilizes the various network libraries to produce network analysis in educational settings. This package allows researchers to visualize transcripts in a succinct format through the lens of graph theory.

Some features of the package are:

  • tabulate_edges() can calculate the weighted edge list from the input data and number of silent nodes not captured in the data.

  • prepareGraphs() can prepare the igraph object from the weighted edge list.

  • coreNetAnalysis() can analyze the input igraph object and returns basic network statistics.

  • subgroupNetAnalysis() can analyze the input igraph object for potential subgroups.

  • summaryNet() can summarize the analytical output from several other functions into a single output.

  • basicPlot() can plot a basic network graph utilizing the default R visualization backend.

  • plot1Att() can plot a network graph with a single input attribute.

  • plot2Att() can plot a network graph with two input attributes.

  • plotNGTData() can analyze non-graph theory statistics and visualizes them in three plots.

  • writeData() can write any data object files as an appropriate format to a specified user directory.

A detailed tutorial can be found at https://github.com/q1cui/discourseGT/blob/cc592b48f9e0e70bf6ae82c91b6008b81b3f94e9/vignettes/discourseGT_new.pdf


Maintainer: Qi Cui q1cui@ucsd.edu


Other contributors:

discourseGT documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.