dist_wrap: Create a distribution from p/d/q/r style functions

View source: R/dist_wrap.R

dist_wrapR Documentation

Create a distribution from p/d/q/r style functions



If a distribution is not yet supported, you can vectorise p/d/q/r functions using this function. dist_wrap() stores the distributions parameters, and provides wrappers which call the appropriate p/d/q/r functions.

Using this function to wrap a distribution should only be done if the distribution is not yet available in this package. If you need a distribution which isn't in the package yet, consider making a request at https://github.com/mitchelloharawild/distributional/issues.


dist_wrap(dist, ..., package = NULL)



The name of the distribution used in the functions (name that is prefixed by p/d/q/r)


Named arguments used to parameterise the distribution.


The package from which the distribution is provided. If NULL, the calling environment's search path is used to find the distribution functions. Alternatively, an arbitrary environment can also be provided here.


dist <- dist_wrap("norm", mean = 1:3, sd = c(3, 9, 2))

density(dist, 1) # dnorm()
cdf(dist, 4) # pnorm()
quantile(dist, 0.975) # qnorm()
generate(dist, 10) # rnorm()

dist <- dist_wrap("invparalogis", package = "actuar", shape = 2, rate = 2)
density(dist, 1) # actuar::dinvparalogis()
cdf(dist, 4) # actuar::pinvparalogis()
quantile(dist, 0.975) # actuar::qinvparalogis()
generate(dist, 10) # actuar::rinvparalogis()

distributional documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 9:11 a.m.