expected_val: Expected value through time

expected_valR Documentation

Expected value through time


Calculate and plot expected value of trait divergence through time


expected_val(model, sig2, alpha = NULL, psi = NULL, time_span = c(0, 10), 
  quantile = FALSE, plot = FALSE, labels = TRUE, bm_col = "darkgoldenrod1", 
  ou_col = "firebrick2", da_col = "navy", exval_lwd = 5, ylim = NULL, ...)



Name of the model whose expected values are to be calculated. Must be one of "BM_null", "OU_null", "DA_null", "DA_OU", "DA_BM", or "OU_BM".


Value of the sigma-squared parameter. Required for all models.


Value of the alpha parameter. Required for all OU and DA models.


Value of psi parameter. Required for DA models. NOTE: if using a breakpoint or wait time model, this is the psi for the first evolutionary epoch


The time after initial divergence at which to calculate the expected value. If time_span is a vector lf length 2, the expectation is calculated continuously between the two times. If time_span is any other length, the expected value is calculated only at the given times. Defaults to c(0,10)


Logical indicating whether to additionally calculate (and optionally plot) the expected quantiles (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95) of trait divergence. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical indicating whether to plot the expected values through time. If quantile=TRUE, then quantile curves are also plotted. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical indicating whether x and y axes are to be labelled.


Color of the line (and shaded if quantile=TRUE) area showing expected value through time under a BM model.


Color of the line (and shaded if quantile=TRUE) area showing expected value through time under an OU model.


Color of the line (and shaded if quantile=TRUE) area showing expected value through time under an OU model.


Width in which the line showing the expected value through time should be plotted. Defaults to 5.


Custom y-axis for graph in the form 'ylim = c(miny, maxy)'


Additional arguments to be passed to the 'plot' function for custom visualization.


Calculates and plots the expected value of continuous trait divergence under different models of trait evolution. Time begins when lineages initially depart form a common ancestor. If users provide upper and lower bounds for time_span, then that span is divided into 10,001 time steps at which expectations are calculated to approximate a continuous tracking of expectation through time. Expectations for the 2.5th-97.5th quantile can also be estimated and 95 percent confidence intervals plotted to visualize how the distribution of trait divergence changes.

IMPORTANT: Not all models can be selected for this function. The expected value of divergence under one of the "linear" models, for instance, would be different for each position on a continuous gradient and thus can't be calculated or plotted in this way. Acceptable models are ("BM_null", "OU_null", "DA_null", "DA_OU", "DA_BM", "OU_BM").


Returns either (1) a matrix of 2 columns in which col1 = time and col2 = the expected trait divergence at that time, or (2) a matrix of 12 columns that additionally contains the expectation for the 10th-95th quantile of trait divergence at each time (if quantiles=TRUE is indicated in the function call). The number of rows of the output matrix equals the length of time_span EXCEPT if length(time_span) == 2, in which case the output matrix has 10,001 rows.


Sean A.S. Anderson and Jason T. Weir


# Ex. 1. Calculate the expected value of divergence after 5my under DA_null 
sig2 = 0.2
alpha = 0.8
psi = 0.9
exval = expected_val(model="DA_null", sig2=sig2, alpha=alpha, psi=psi, time_span=5)

# Ex. 2. calculate and plot expected trait divergence and expected quantiles through time over 8my 
# under a DA_null model
sig2 = 0.2
alpha = 0.8
psi = 0.3

exval = expected_val(model="DA_null", sig2=sig2, alpha=alpha, psi=psi, time_span=c(0,8),
  quantile=TRUE, plot=TRUE)

# Ex. 3. same as above but with customized graphical parameters
sig2 = 0.2
alpha = 0.8
psi = 0.3

exval = expected_val("DA_null", sig2=sig2, alpha=alpha, psi=psi, time_span=c(0,8), quantile=TRUE, 
	plot=TRUE, da_col="green", exval_lwd = 4, ylim = c(0, 3), axes=FALSE, labels=FALSE)
axis(1, labels=NA)
axis(1, lwd = 0, line = -0.6)
axis(2, labels = NA)
axis(2, lwd = 0, line = -0.6)
title(line = 1.9, xlab = "Custom X Axis Title")
title(line = 1.9, ylab = "Custom Y AXis Title")

# Ex. 4. calculate and plot expected trait divergence and expected quantiles through time over 8my 
# under a DA-OU mixture model
sig2 = 0.05
alpha = 0.8
psi = 1

exval = expected_val(model="DA_OU", sig2=sig2, alpha=alpha, psi=psi, time_span=c(0,8),
  quantile=TRUE, plot=TRUE)
# add a legend
legend("topleft", legend=c("ExVal DA", "ExVal OU"), lwd=2, col=c("navy", "firebrick2"), 
    bty="n", cex=0.8)

diverge documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2 a.m.