re_estimator: Estimate model parameters

re_estimatorR Documentation

Estimate model parameters


Re-estimate known model parameters from replicate datasets simulated under a given model. Facilitates power analyses and the measure of accuracy and precision in parameter estimation.


re_estimator(model, div, ages, me1=NULL, me2=NULL, GRAD = NULL, cats=NULL, 
  breakpoint = NULL, domain = NULL, p_starting = NULL, parallel = FALSE, cores = NULL, 
  absolute = TRUE)



Character string defining one of ten models of trait divergence (options: "BM_null", "BM_linear", "OU_null", "OU_linear", "DA_null", "DA_linear", "DA_wt", "DA_bp", "DA_wt_linear", "DA_bp_linear"). See find_mle for model descriptions.


Vector of trait divergences for a set of lineage pairs. Calculated for each pair as abs(trait_val_lineage_2 - trait_val_lineage1). Raw values (i.e. not absolute values) can also be used but must be noted by the user in the argument 'absolute'.


Vector containing the age (i.e. estimated time since divergence) for each pair in the dataset. IMPORTANT: div, ages, GRAD, and breakpoint vectors must be aligned such that div[i] age[i] grad[i] and breakpoint[i] represent values for the same lineage pair.


Vector containing the measurement error (standard error of mean) for species 1s of each pair (for one species = variance/No.measurements)


Vector containing the measurement error (standard error of mean) for species 2s of each pair (for one species = variance/No.measurements)


Vector containing the gradient position of each pair. This is the value of a continuous variable such as latitude or body size across which parameters are hypothesized to vary. Required for models with 'linear' suffix.


Vector containing the category code (0, 1, or 2) for each pair (see model_select help page for details).


Vector of breakpoint times for each pair in the dataset. These are the times AFTER divergence at which a shift occurs in the psi parameter of DA model. Required for DA_bp and DA_bp_linear. See find_mle for details on how to calculate.


Vector of length 2 defining the low and high ends of the gradient domain. Essentially identical to the 'xlim' argument in plotting functions. Required for models with 'linear' suffix.


Optional matrix of customized parameter values from which to launch likelihood searches. Must match the structure required for the chosen model. See the model descriptions in find_mle for details. If p_starting=NULL, default starting values are used.


Logical indicating whether likelihood searches should be conducted in parallel across multiple cores. Not available on windows machines. Defaults to FALSE.


If parallel=TRUE, the number of cores on which to run the function. Defaults to all virtual cores.


Logical indicating whether 'div' represents absolute value of trait divergence or the raw divergence values.


re_estimator is a wrapper to find_mle that returns just the parameter values. The argument 'div' can be a vector of trait divergences or a list containing several vectors of trait divergence. When 'div' is a list, the function can be used to generate a distribution of parameter values. These can in turn be used to evaluate precision and accuracy of likelihood searches when replicate datasets are simulated under a known model.

TIME CONSIDERATIONS Warning: re-estimating parametres from a large number of replicate datasets can be extremely time intensive when DA_wt, DA_bp, DA_wt_linear, or DA_bp_linear are the model in question. Re-estimating parameters to assess model performance using a reasonable number of replicates (~1000), from one of these four complex models, can take hours on a multi-core server.


Returns a matrix of parameter estimates. Each column contains replicate estimates of one parameter. The matrix has one row if div is a vector and N rows if div is a list of length N.


Sean A.S. Anderson


# simulate a dataset of trait divergence with 150 lineage pairs with a range of ages.
ages = rep(c(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 8), 25)
alpha = 0.8
sig2 = 0.2
sis_div = simulate_div(model="DA_null", ages=ages, pars=c(alpha, sig2, psi), N=N)

# estimate pars from one trait divergence dataset
par_es = re_estimator(model = "DA_null", div=sis_div[[1]], ages=ages)

# estimate pars from a list of trait divergence datasets and find the median
# of each estimate

par_es = re_estimator(model = "DA_null", div=sis_div, ages=ages)
meds = apply(par_es, 2, median)

diverge documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2 a.m.