
Defines functions sim_dlf

Documented in sim_dlf

#' Simulate Distributed Lag Functions
#' @description generate true distributed lag function values for a given type of simulation
#' @seealso \link[dlim]{sim_data}
#' @seealso Type \code{vignette('dlimOverview')} for a detailed description.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @param L Number of lags minus 1
#' @param modifiers Vector of modifiers
#' @param type Effect modification simulation type: 1 is no modification, 2 is linear scale modification, 3 is non-linear shift modification, 4 is types 2 and 3 combined
#' @return This function returns the true distributed lag function values (class "\code{numeric}")

sim_dlf <- function(L,modifiers,type){
  width <- 5
  lags <- 0:L

  curve <- function(l,center,method="quad"){
      0.2*pmax(1- ((l-center)^2)/100,0)
    }else if(method=="normal"){

  betas_l <- curve(lags,20, method=method)

  if(type==1){ #no modification
    betas <- matrix(rep(betas_l,length(modifiers)),nrow=L+1,byrow = FALSE) #lag x obs
  }else if(type==2){ #linear scale modification
    betas <- sweep(matrix(rep(((modifiers+1)/2),L+1),nrow=L+1,byrow = TRUE), MARGIN=1, betas_l, `*`)
  }else if(type==3){ #logistic shift modification
    centers <- 37/(1+exp(-20*(modifiers-0.5)))
      betas <- as.matrix(sapply(lags,curve,center=centers, method=method))
      betas <- t(sapply(lags,curve,center=centers, method=method))
  }else if(type==4){ #type 2 and type 3
    centers <- 37/(1+exp(-20*(modifiers-0.5)))
      betas_l <- as.matrix(sapply(lags,curve,center=centers, method=method))
      betas <- matrix(rep(((modifiers+1)/2),L+1),nrow=L+1,byrow = TRUE) * betas_l
      betas_l <- t(sapply(lags,curve,center=centers, method=method))
      betas <- matrix(rep(((modifiers+1)/2),L+1),nrow=L+1,byrow = TRUE) * betas_l
    stop("Incorrect simulation type entered. Choose a type between 1 and 4. See ?dlim::sim_data for more information.")


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dlim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:32 a.m.