dmbc_ic-class: An S4 class to represent the comparison of a set of DMBC...

dmbc_ic-classR Documentation

An S4 class to represent the comparison of a set of DMBC models.


An S4 class to represent the comparison of a set of DMBC models through the dissimilarity model-based clustering information criterion (DCIC).



An object of class matrix providing the log-prior values corresponding to different values of p and G.


An object of class matrix providing the marginal log-likelihood values corresponding to different values of p and G.


An object of class matrix providing the logarithm of the correction factors corresponding to different values of p and G.


An object of class matrix providing the values of the DCIC index corresponding to different values of p and G.


An object of class list; named list with elements representing the parameter estimates corresponding to different values of p and G.


A length-one character vector representing the estimate type used in computing the DCIC index. Possible values are mean, median, ml and map. See dmbc_ic() for more details about these values.


An object of class list; list of dmbc_fit_list objects with the results of fitting the DMBC models corresponding to the last value of p. This is needed in case of an update of the DCIC calculations using additional p and/or G values.


Venturini, S., Piccarreta, R. (2021), "A Bayesian Approach for Model-Based Clustering of Several Binary Dissimilarity Matrices: the dmbc Package in R", Journal of Statistical Software, 100, 16, 1–35, <10.18637/jss.v100.i16>.



dmbc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.