Man pages for do
Data Operator

add_biocViewsAdd biocViews Field to Description File
all_childrenExtract all children nodes
Apriori.BasketConvert vector to sparse matrix to dataframe rules object or calibrate object
as.transactionsTransform to transactions
attr_hrefGet hypertext reference attributes
cat_nprint vector by lines
character.nmsReturn character names in matrix or dataframe
chinese_utf8UTF8 Code for Chinese
cnOSChinese operating system Whether the computer is Chinese...
col_splitSplit A Vector into Columns
columntransChange data type
compareCompare two vectors
complete.dataComplete data
current_mirrorCurrent mirror
c.xml_nodesetComine xml_nodeset
decreasedecrease character
delete_leftDelete and Move Left the rest Values
delete_upDelete and Move Up the Rest Values
deparse0substitue, deparse and paste
desc2dfConvert package description file to dataframe
dump.itCreate dump matrix for a vector
dup.connectConnect Duplicated Values
duplicated_allDetermine All Duplicate Elements
duplicated_lastDetermine Duplicate Elements in the Last Position
equal_lengthEqual Length
execexecute string command This command just execute in the...
expandExpand Data by Weight
factor.nmsReturn factor names in matrix or dataframe
file.dirup level directory
file.nameExtract file name
fmtFormatting Replacement
formal_dirformal directory
getBiocmirrorsget bioconductor mirrors
get_namesGet Names of Object
give_nameschange vector, dataframe or matrix names
grapes-equals-grapesLocate Accurately
grapes-plus-grapesConcatenate vectors after converting to character.
grapes-s-equals-grapesLocate Similarly by grep()
GreplJudge for Included Character
has_childrenWether children nodes exist
increaseincrease character
inner_Add_SymbolConcatenate Strings
install_RversionInstall contributed packages by R version
is.dirWhether file path is directory
is.linuxoperation system
is.macoperation system
is.windowsoperation system
joinJoin two dataframes together
keepKeep objects
knifeKnife characters
lastSelect character from last
last_columnSelect dataframe column from last
last_rowSelect dataframe row from last
leftTruncate Characters from the Left
left_equalCompare two characters from left Much useful for arguments...
legalCheck legal character Whether the character is legal for...
list1Select list one
load_extdataLoad external data from R package
midTruncate Characters from the Inside
mirror.speedTest speed of mirror
model.dataExtract data of model
NA.col.probProportion of missing value by column
NA.col.sumsSum of missing value by column
names_nNames with different letters
NA.row.probProportion of missing value by row
NA.row.sumsSum of missing value by row
NA.whole.probProportion of missing value in the whole dataframe
NA.whole.sumsSum of missing value in the whole dataframe
NcharNumber of Characters
numeric.nmsReturn numeric names in matrix or dataframe
pakcage_allGet all functions in one package
paste0_columnsPaste Columns Together
rd2dfConvert package Rd file under man directory into dataframe
read_RRead R file
Replace0Replaced by Empty
Replace_exReplace Exactly
replicateReplicate Each Elements of Vectors
reshape_toLongConvert Wide Data to Long
reshape_toWideReshape to Wide Format
reverseReverse String Order
rightTruncate Characters from the Right
right_equalCompare two characters from right Much useful for arguments...
rm_allRemove all objects
rm_ncharRemove elements by number of characters
row.freqRow Frequency
selectSubset data Take subset data for
seq_rangesequence range of one vector
set_Bioc_mirrorset bioconductor mirror
set_CRAN_mirrorset CRAN mirror
show_functionShow function command line in new script script will be store...
split_expandSplit One Column and Expand
table_NACount NA
take_outExtract Some String
unique_no.NAUnique Without NA
unlibrayDetach package
upper.dirup level directory
write_xlsxWrite data to Excel file write or append one or more data...
do documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:27 a.m.