doFuture.options: Options used by the doFuture adapter

doFuture.optionsR Documentation

Options used by the doFuture adapter


Below are all R options specific to the doFuture package. For options controlling futures in general, see the options for the future package.

WARNING: Note that the names and the default values of these options may change in future versions of the package. Please use with care until further notice.



Specifies to what extent the .export argument of foreach() should be respected or if globals should be automatically identified.

If ".export", then the globals specified by the .export argument will be used "as is".

If ".export-and-automatic", then globals specified by .export as well as those automatically identified are used.

The ".export-and-automatic-with-warning" is the same as ".export-and-automatic", but produces a warning if .export lacks some of the globals that the automatic identification locates

  • this is helpful feedback to developers using foreach().

(Default: ".export-and-automatic")


If TRUE, extensive debug messages are generated. (Default: FALSE)

doFuture documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:26 a.m.