deps_profile: Find out why a target is out of date. *[Stable]*

View source: R/deps.R

deps_profileR Documentation

Find out why a target is out of date. [Stable]


The dependency profile can give you a hint as to why a target is out of date. It can tell you if

  • the command changed (deps_profile() reports the hash of the command, not the command itself)

  • at least one input file changed,

  • at least one output file changed,

  • or a non-file dependency changed. For this last part, the imports need to be up to date in the cache, which you can do with outdated() or make(skip_targets = TRUE).

  • the pseudo-random number generator seed changed. Unfortunately, deps_profile() does not currently get more specific than that.


deps_profile(target, ..., character_only = FALSE, config = NULL)



Name of the target.


Arguments to make(), such as plan and targets.


Logical, whether to assume target is a character string rather than a symbol.




A data frame of old and new values for each of the main triggers, along with an indication of which values changed since the last make().

See Also

diagnose(), deps_code(), make(), drake_config()


## Not run: 
isolate_example("Quarantine side effects.", {
if (suppressWarnings(require("knitr"))) {
load_mtcars_example() # Load drake's canonical example.
make(my_plan) # Run the project, build the targets.
# Get some example dependency profiles of targets.
deps_profile(small, my_plan)
# Change a dependency.
simulate <- function(x) {}
# Update the in-memory imports in the cache
# so deps_profile can detect changes to them.
# Changes to targets are already cached.
make(my_plan, skip_targets = TRUE)
# The dependency hash changed.
deps_profile(small, my_plan)

## End(Not run)

drake documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:08 a.m.