
## ----preamble_ds4psy, include = FALSE-----------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----install_CRAN, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE----------------------------------
#  install.packages('ds4psy')  # install ds4psy from CRAN client
#  library('ds4psy')           # load to use the package

## ----install_github, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE--------------------------------
#  # install.packages('devtools')  # (if not installed yet)
#  devtools::install_github('hneth/ds4psy')
#  library('ds4psy')  # load to use the package

## ----bibtex-entry, eval = FALSE, highlight = FALSE----------------------------
#  @Manual{ds4psy,
#    title = {ds4psy: Data Science for Psychologists},
#    author = {Hansjörg Neth},
#    year = {2022},
#    organization = {Social Psychology and Decision Sciences, University of Konstanz},
#    address = {Konstanz, Germany},
#    note = {Textbook and R package (version 0.9.0, October 20, 2022)},
#    url = {},
#    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7229812}
#  }

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ds4psy documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 9:08 a.m.