builtin_itembank: Collection of items fitting the Rasch model

builtin_itembankR Documentation

Collection of items fitting the Rasch model


A data frame with administrative information per item with difficulty estimates (tau) from the Rasch model. The item bank provides the basic information to calculate D-scores. The items in the item bank are a subset of all items as collected in builtin_itemtable.




A data.frame with variables:

Name Label
key String indicating a specific Rasch model
item Item name, gsed lexicon
tau Difficulty estimate
label Label (English)
instrument Instrument code
domain Domain code
mode Administration mode
number Item number


The difficulty estimates were estimated by a Rasch model. The key indicates the specific Rasch model used to estimate the difficulty. Strictly speaking, one can only compare D-score calculated from the same key.



  • Dec 01, 2022 - Overwrite labels of gto by correct item order.

  • Dec 05, 2022 - Adds key gsed2212, adding instruments gl1 and gs1, and defining correct order for gto

  • Jan 05, 2023 - Adds instrument gh1 to key gsed2212

See Also

dscore(), get_tau(), builtin_itemtable()


# count number of items per instrument in each key
table(builtin_itembank$instrument, builtin_itembank$key)

dscore documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:21 a.m.