
Defines functions rqgam_check

Documented in rqgam_check

#' Randomised quantile residuals check plot for GAMs/DSMs
#' Reproduces the "Resids vs. linear pred" plot from
#' [`gam.check`][mgcv::gam.check] but using randomised quantile residuals, a la
#' Dunn and Smyth (1996). Checks for heteroskedasticity as as usual, looking
#' for "funnel"-type structures in the points, which is much easier with
#' randomised quantile residuals than with deviance residuals, when your model
#' uses a count distribution as the response.
#' Note that this function only works with negative binomial and Tweedie
#' response distributions.
#' Earlier versions of this function produced the full
#' [`gam.check`][mgcv::gam.check] output, but this was confusing as only one of
#' the plots was really useful.  Checks of `k` are not computed, these need to
#' be done using [`gam.check`][mgcv::gam.check].
#' @param gam.obj a [`gam`][mgcv::gam], [`glm`][stats::glm] or [`dsm`][dsm]
#' object.
#' @param ... arguments passed on to all plotting functions
#' @return just plots!
#' @author Based on code by Natalie Kelly, bugs added by Dave Miller
#' @export
#' @importFrom statmod qres.nbinom qresid qres.tweedie qres.binom
#' @importFrom graphics par hist
#' @importFrom stats napredict fitted qqnorm
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(Distance)
#' library(dsm)
#' library(tweedie)
#' # load the Gulf of Mexico dolphin data (see ?mexdolphins)
#' data(mexdolphins)
#' # fit a detection function and look at the summary
#' hr.model <- ds(distdata, truncation=6000,
#'                key = "hr", adjustment = NULL)
#' # fit a simple smooth of x and y with a Tweedie response with estimated
#' #  p parameter
#' mod1 <- dsm(count~s(x, y), hr.model, segdata, obsdata, family=tw())
#' rqgam_check(mod1)
#' }
rqgam_check <- function(gam.obj, ...){

  # layout stuff
  #opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))

  # grab the randomised quantile residuals
  # requires statmod package

  # need to do the right thing for mgcv's Tweedie
  if(grepl("^Tweedie", gam.obj$family$family)){
      p.val <- gam.obj$family$getTheta(TRUE)
      environment(gam.obj$family$variance)$p <- p.val
    qres <- qres.tweedie(gam.obj)
  # and for negbin
  }else if(grepl("^Negative Binomial", gam.obj$family$family)){
    # need to set $theta
    if("extended.family" %in% class(gam.obj$family)){
      # for SNW's extended family, need to set TRUE in getTheta as theta
      # is on the wrong scale
      gam.obj$theta <- gam.obj$family$getTheta(TRUE)
      gam.obj$theta <- gam.obj$family$getTheta()
    qres <- qres.nbinom(gam.obj)
  }else if(grepl("^binomial", gam.obj$family$family)){
    qres <- qres.binom(gam.obj)
    stop("Only negative binomial and Tweedie response distributions are supported.")

  # values of the linear predictor
  linpred <- napredict(gam.obj$na.action, gam.obj$linear.predictors)

  ## resids vs. linear pred
  plot(linpred, qres,main="Resids vs. linear pred.",
         xlab="linear predictor",ylab="Randomised quantile residuals",...)


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dsm documentation built on Aug. 21, 2022, 1:07 a.m.