duckdb: DBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management System

The DuckDB project is an embedded analytical data management system with support for the Structured Query Language (SQL). This package includes all of DuckDB and a R Database Interface (DBI) connector.

Package details

AuthorHannes Mühleisen [aut] (<>), Mark Raasveldt [aut] (<>), Kirill Müller [cre] (<>), Stichting DuckDB Foundation [cph], Apache Software Foundation [cph], PostgreSQL Global Development Group [cph], The Regents of the University of California [cph], Cameron Desrochers [cph], Victor Zverovich [cph], RAD Game Tools [cph], Valve Software [cph], Rich Geldreich [cph], Tenacious Software LLC [cph], The RE2 Authors [cph], Google Inc. [cph], Facebook Inc. [cph], Steven G. Johnson [cph], Jiahao Chen [cph], Tony Kelman [cph], Jonas Fonseca [cph], Lukas Fittl [cph], Salvatore Sanfilippo [cph],, Inc. [cph], Oran Agra [cph], Redis Labs, Inc. [cph], Melissa O'Neill [cph], PCG Project contributors [cph]
MaintainerKirill Müller <>
LicenseMIT + file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the duckdb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

duckdb documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.