autoplot.dynrTaste: The ggplot of the outliers estimates.

View source: R/dynrPlot.R

autoplot.dynrTasteR Documentation

The ggplot of the outliers estimates.


The ggplot of the outliers estimates.


## S3 method for class 'dynrTaste'
autoplot(object, numSubjDemo = 2, idtoPlot = NULL,
  names.state = NULL, names.observed = NULL, ...)



A dynrTaste object.


The number of subjects, who have largest joint chi-square statistic, to be selected for plotting.


Values of the ID variable to plot.


(optional) The names of the states to be plotted, which should be a subset of the state.names slot of the measurement slot of dynrModel. If NULL, the t statistic plots for all state variables will be included.


(optional) The names of the observed variables to be plotted, which should be a subset of the obs.names slot of the measurement slot of dynrModel. If NULL, the t statistic plots for all observed variables will be included.


Place holder for other arguments. Please do not use.


a list of ggplot objects for each ID. The plots of chi-square statistics (joint and independent), and the plots of t statistic for names.state and names.observed will be included. Users can modify the ggplot objects using ggplot grammar. If a filename is provided, a pdf of plots will be saved additionally.

dynr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:49 a.m.