
Defines functions calc_earthtide

Documented in calc_earthtide

#' @title earthtide
#' @description This is a wrapper to the Earthtide R6 class for the prediction
#' of Earth tides. This function is provided for users who would prefer a more
#' typical R function.
#' @param utc The date-time in UTC (POSIXct vector).
#' @param do_predict run in predict or analyze mode
#' @param method One or more of "gravity",
#'     "tidal_potential", "tidal_tilt", "vertical_displacement",
#'     "horizontal_displacement", "n_s_displacement", "e_w_displacement",
#'     "vertical_strain", "areal_strain", "volume_strain", "horizontal_strain",
#'     or "ocean_tides", "pole_tide", "lod_tide". The pole tide and lod_tide
#'     are used in predict mode even if do_predict is FALSE. More than one value
#'     can only be used if do_predict == TRUE.
#' @param latitude The station latitude (numeric) defaults to 0.
#' @param longitude The station longitude (numeric) defaults to 0.
#' @param elevation The station elevation (m) (numeric) defaults to 0.
#' @param azimuth Earth azimuth (numeric) defaults to 0.
#' @param gravity Gravity at the station (m/s^2) (numeric) 0 to
#'     estimate gravity from elevation and latitude.
#' @param earth_radius Radius of earth (m) (numeric) defaults to 6378136.3
#' @param earth_eccen Eccentricity of earth (numeric)
#'     defaults to 6.69439795140e-3
#' @param cutoff Cutoff amplitude for constituents (numeric)
#'     defaults to 1e-6.
#' @param wave_groups Two column data.frame having start and end of
#'     frequency groups (data.frame). This data.frame must have two columns
#'     with the names 'start', and 'end' signifying the start and end of the
#'     wave groupings.  An optional third column 'multiplier' can be provided
#'     to scale the particular wave group.  If column names do no match, the
#'     inferred column positions are start, end, multiplier.
#' @param catalog Use the "hw95s" catalog or "ksm04" catalog (character).
#' @param eop User defined Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) data.frame with the
#'     following columns: datetime, ddt, ut1_utc, lod, x, y, dx, dy
#' @param return_matrix Return a matrix of tidal values instead of data.frame.
#'     The datetime column will not be present in this case (logical).
#' @param scale Scale results when do_predict is FALSE
#' @param n_thread Number of threads to use for parallel processing (integer).
#' @param astro_update How often to update astro parameters in number of
#' samples. This speeds up code but may make it slightly less accurate.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return data.frame or matrix of tidal results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tms <- as.POSIXct("1990-01-01", tz = "UTC") + c(0, 3600)
#' wave_groups <- data.frame(start = 0, end = 8, multiplier = 1.5)
#' et <- calc_earthtide(
#'   utc = tms,
#'   do_predict = TRUE,
#'   method = c("tidal_potential", "lod_tide", "pole_tide"),
#'   latitude = 52.3868,
#'   longitude = 9.7144,
#'   elevation = 110,
#'   gravity = 9.8127,
#'   cutoff = 1.0e-5,
#'   catalog = "ksm04",
#'   wave_groups = wave_groups,
#'   n_thread = 1
#' )
calc_earthtide <- function(utc,
                           do_predict = TRUE,
                           method = "gravity",
                           latitude = 0,
                           longitude = 0,
                           elevation = 0,
                           azimuth = 0,
                           gravity = 0,
                           earth_radius = 6378136.3,
                           earth_eccen = 6.69439795140e-3,
                           cutoff = 1e-6,
                           wave_groups = NULL,
                           catalog = "ksm04",
                           eop = NULL,
                           return_matrix = FALSE,
                           scale = TRUE,
                           n_thread = 1L,
                           astro_update = 1L,
                           ...) {
  et <- Earthtide$new(
    utc = utc,
    latitude = latitude,
    longitude = longitude,
    elevation = elevation,
    gravity = gravity,
    cutoff = cutoff,
    catalog = catalog,
    wave_groups = wave_groups,
    eop = eop,
    azimuth = azimuth,
    earth_radius = earth_radius,
    earth_eccen = earth_eccen

  if (length(method) > 1) {
    if (!do_predict) {
      stop("If do_predict is FALSE only one method can be provided.")

  for (i in seq_along(method)) {
    if (method[i] == "pole_tide") {
    } else if (method[i] == "lod_tide") {
    } else if (do_predict) {
      if (return_matrix) {
        return(et$predict(method = method[i],
                          astro_update = astro_update,
                          return_matrix = return_matrix,
                          n_thread = n_thread))
      } else {
        et$predict(method = method[i],
                   astro_update = astro_update,
                   return_matrix = return_matrix,
                   n_thread = n_thread)
    } else {
      if (return_matrix) {
          astro_update = astro_update,
          method = method[i],
          return_matrix = return_matrix,
          scale = scale,
          n_thread = n_thread
      } else {
          astro_update = astro_update,
          method = method[i],
          return_matrix = return_matrix,
          scale = scale,
          n_thread = n_thread


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earthtide documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:47 p.m.