Man pages for easycensus
Quickly Find, Extract, and Marginalize U.S. Census Tables

cens_authAuthorize use of the Census API
cens_findFind a decennial or ACS census table with variables of...
cens_geoConstruct a Geography Specification for Census Data
cens_getDownload data from a decennial census or ACS table
cens_margin_toHelper function to sum over nuisance variables
cens_parse_tablesAttempt to Parse Tables from a Census API
easycensus-packageeasycensus: Quickly Find, Extract, and Marginalize U.S....
est_extractExtract estimates, standard errors, and margins of error
estimateEstimate class
estimate-vctrsInternal vctrs methods
est_specialSpecialized margin-of-error calculations
format.estimateFormat an estimate
tablesParsed Census SF1 and ACS Tables
tidiersTidy labels in census tables
easycensus documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:57 p.m.