tables: Parsed Census SF1 and ACS Tables

tablesR Documentation

Parsed Census SF1 and ACS Tables


Contains parsed table information for the 2010 Decennial Summary File 1 and 2019 ACS 5-year and 1-year tables. This parsed information is used internally in cens_find_dec(), cens_find_acs(), cens_get_dec(), and cens_get_acs(). For other sets of tables, try using cens_parse_tables().





A list of cens_table objects, which are just lists with four elements:

  • concept, a human-readable name

  • tables, the constituent table codes

  • surveys, the supported surveys

  • dims, the parsed names of the dimensions of the tables

  • vars, a tibble with all of the parsed variable values

An object of class list of length 83.

An object of class list of length 848.

easycensus documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:57 p.m.