cens_find: Find a decennial or ACS census table with variables of...

View source: R/cens_find.R

cens_findR Documentation

Find a decennial or ACS census table with variables of interest


This function uses fuzzy matching to help identify tables from the census which contain variables of interest. Matched table codes are printed out, along with the Census-provided table description, the parsed variable names, and example table cells. The website https://censusreporter.org/ may also be useful in finding variables.


cens_find(tables, ..., show = 4)

cens_find_dec(..., show = 2)

cens_find_acs(..., show = 4)



A list of cens_table objects, such as is produced by cens_parse_tables().


Variables to look for. These can be length-1 character vectors, or, for convenience, can be left unquoted (see examples).


How many matching tables to show. Increase this to show more possible matches, at the cost of more output. Negative values will be converted to positive but will suppress any printing.


The codes for the top show tables, invisibly if show is positive.


cens_find_dec("sex", "age")
cens_find(tables_sf1, "sex", "age") # same as above
cens_find_dec(tenure, race)
cens_find_acs("income", "sex", show=3)
cens_find_acs("heath care", show=-1)

easycensus documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:57 p.m.