
rd     <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),]
rd15 <- rd[rd$year == 2015, ]
rd15_1 <- rd15[rd15$nest == 1, ]

suppressMessages(txt <- capture.output ( m_withoutCross <- repMean(datL = rd15, ID="idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep",
              imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("sex"), group.splits = 0:1,
              cross.differences = FALSE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE="old",
              engine = "BIFIEsurvey")))

suppressMessages(txt2 <- capture.output ( m_oldCross <- repMean(datL = rd15, ID="idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep",
              imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("sex"), group.splits = 0:1,
              cross.differences = TRUE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE="old",
              engine = "BIFIEsurvey")))

test_that("No cross differences", {
  expect_equal(m_withoutCross[["SE_correction"]], NULL)
  expect_false("SE_correction" %in% names(m_withoutCross))

test_that("Old cross differences", {
  expect_equal(class(m_oldCross[["SE_correction"]]), c("old", "list"))
  expect_equal(m_oldCross[["SE_correction"]][[1]], NULL)

rd15$sex_logic <- as.logical(as.numeric(rd15$sex) - 1)

test_that("error for two logical grouping variables", {
  expect_error(capture.output(repMean(datL = rd15, ID="idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep",
           imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("sex_logic", "mig"), group.splits = 0:1,
           cross.differences = FALSE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE="old")),
           "Factor levels of grouping variables are not disjunct.")

test_that("error for string with multiple categories to jk2.mean", {
  rd15_2 <- rd15_1
  rd15_2$country <- as.character(rd15_2$country)
  expect_error(test <- repMean(datL = rd15_2, wgt = "wgt", imp = "imp", dependent = "country", ID = "idstud"),
              "Dependent variable 'country' has to be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'.")

### PISA method
test_that("PISA runs through", {
  expect_silent(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(txt2 <- capture.output(m_oldCross <- repMean(datL = rd15, ID="idstud", 
                                                                type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep",
                                                                imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("sex"), group.splits = 0:1,
                                                                cross.differences = TRUE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, 
                                                                doCheck=TRUE, linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE="rep")))))

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eatRep documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:15 p.m.