ec.examples | R Documentation |
Learn by example - copy/paste code from Examples below.
This code collection is to demonstrate various concepts of
data preparation, conversion, grouping,
parameter setting, visual fine-tuning,
custom rendering, plugins attachment,
Shiny plots & interactions through Shiny proxy.
No return value, used only for help
website has many more examples
library(dplyr); library(echarty)
#------ Basic scatter chart, instant display
cars |> ec.init()
#------ Same chart, change theme and save for further processing
p <- cars |> ec.init() |> ec.theme('dark')
#------ parallel chart
ToothGrowth |> ec.init(ctype= 'parallel')
#------ JSON back and forth
tmp <- cars |> ec.init()
json <- tmp |> ec.inspect()
ec.fromJson(json) |> ec.theme("dark")
#------ Data grouping
iris |> mutate(Species= as.character(Species)) |>
group_by(Species) |> ec.init() # by non-factor column
Orange |> group_by(Tree) |> ec.init(
series.param= list(symbolSize= 10, encode= list(x='age', y='circumference'))
#------ Polar bar chart
cnt <- 5; set.seed(222)
x = seq(cnt),
y = round(rnorm(cnt, 10, 3)),
z = round(rnorm(cnt, 11, 2)),
colr = rainbow(cnt)
) |>
ec.init( preset= FALSE,
polar= list(radius= '90%'),
radiusAxis= list(max= 'dataMax'),
angleAxis= list(type= "category"),
series= list(
list(type= "bar", coordinateSystem= "polar",
itemStyle= list(color= ec.clmn('colr')),
label= list(show= TRUE, position= "middle", formatter= "y={@[1]}")
list(type= 'scatter', coordinateSystem= "polar",
itemStyle= list(color= 'black'),
encode= list(angle='x', radius='z'))
#------ Area chart
mtcars |> dplyr::relocate(wt,mpg) |> arrange(wt) |> group_by(cyl) |>
ec.init(ctype= 'line', series.param= list(areaStyle= list(show=TRUE)) )
#------ Plugin leaflet
quakes |> dplyr::relocate('long') |> # set order to long,lat
mutate(size= exp(mag)/20) |> head(100) |> # add accented size
ec.init(load= 'leaflet',
tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('magnitude %@', 'mag')),
legend= list(show=TRUE),
series.param= list(name= 'quakes', symbolSize= ec.clmn(6, scale=2)) # 6th column is size
#------ Plugin 'world' with visualMap
cns <- data.frame(
val = runif(3, 1, 100),
dim = runif(3, 1, 100),
nam = c('Brazil','China','India')
cns |> group_by(nam) |> ec.init(load= 'world', timeline= list(s=TRUE),
series.param= list(type='map',
encode=list(value='val', name='nam')),
toolbox= list(feature= list(restore= list())),
visualMap= list(calculable=TRUE, dimension=2)
#------ Plugin 'world' with lines and color coding
if (interactive()) {
flights <- NULL
flights <- try(read.csv(paste0('',
'2011_february_aa_flight_paths.csv')), silent = TRUE)
if (!is.null(flights)) {
tmp <- data.frame(airport1 = unique(head(flights,10)$airport1),
color = c("#387e78","#eeb422","#d9534f",'magenta'))
tmp <- head(flights,10) |> inner_join(tmp) # add color by airport
ec.init(load= 'world',
geo= list(center= c(mean(flights$start_lon), mean(flights$start_lat)),
zoom= 7, map='world' ),
series= list(list(
type= 'lines', coordinateSystem= 'geo',
data= lapply(, 'names'), function(x)
list(coords = list(c(x$start_lon,x$start_lat),
colr = x$color)
lineStyle= list(curveness=0.3, width=3, color=ec.clmn('colr'))
} }
#------ registerMap JSON
# registerMap supports also maps in SVG format, see website gallery
if (interactive()) {
json <- jsonlite::read_json("")
dusa <- USArrests
dusa$states <- row.names(dusa)
p <- ec.init(preset= FALSE,
series= list(list(type= 'map', map= 'USA', roam= TRUE, zoom= 3, left= -100, top= -30,
data= lapply(, 'names'),
function(x) list(name=x$states, value=x$UrbanPop))
visualMap= list(type='continuous', calculable=TRUE,
inRange= list(color = rainbow(8)),
min= min(dusa$UrbanPop), max= max(dusa$UrbanPop))
p$x$registerMap <- list(list(mapName= 'USA', geoJSON= json))
#------ locale
mo <- seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 444, Sys.Date(), by= "month")
df <- data.frame(date= mo, val= runif(length(mo), 1, 10))
p <- df |> ec.init(title= list(text= 'locale test'))
p$x$locale <- 'ZH'
p$x$renderer <- 'svg'
#------ Pie
isl <- data.frame(name=names(islands), value=islands) |> filter(value>100) |> arrange(value)
ec.init( preset= FALSE,
title= list(text = "Landmasses over 60,000 mi\u00B2", left = 'center'),
tooltip= list(trigger='item'), #, formatter= ec.clmn()),
series= list(list(type= 'pie', radius= '50%',
data=, 'names'), name='mi\u00B2'))
#------ Liquidfill plugin
if (interactive()) {
ec.init(load= 'liquid', preset=FALSE,
series= list(list(
type='liquidFill', data=c(0.66, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3),
waveAnimation= FALSE, animationDuration=0, animationDurationUpdate=0))
#------ Heatmap
times <- c(5,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,4,1,1,3,4,6,4,4,3,3,2,5,7,0,0,0,0,0,
df <- NULL; n <- 1;
for(i in 0:6) { df <- rbind(df, data.frame(0:23, rep(i,24), times[n:(n+23)])); n<-n+24 }
hours <-; hours <- hours[-1] # remove columns row
times <- c('12a',paste0(1:11,'a'),'12p',paste0(1:11,'p'))
days <- c('Saturday','Friday','Thursday','Wednesday','Tuesday','Monday','Sunday')
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
title= list(text='Punch Card Heatmap'),
tooltip= list(position='top'),grid=list(height='50%',top='10%'),
xAxis= list(type='category', data=times, splitArea=list(show=TRUE)),
yAxis= list(type='category', data=days, splitArea=list(show=TRUE)),
visualMap= list(min=0,max=10,calculable=TRUE,orient='horizontal',left='center',bottom='15%'),
series= list(list(name='Hours', type = 'heatmap', data= hours,label=list(show=TRUE),
#------ Plugin 3D
if (interactive()) {
data <- list()
for(y in 1:dim(volcano)[2]) for(x in 1:dim(volcano)[1])
data <- append(data, list(c(x, y, volcano[x,y])))
ec.init(load= '3D',
series= list(list(type= 'surface', data= data))
#------ 3D chart with custom item size
if (interactive()) {
iris |> group_by(Species) |>
mutate(size= log(Petal.Width*10)) |> # add size as 6th column
ec.init(load= '3D',
xAxis3D= list(name= 'Petal.Length'),
yAxis3D= list(name= 'Sepal.Width'),
zAxis3D= list(name= 'Sepal.Length'),
legend= list(show= TRUE),
series.param= list(symbolSize= ec.clmn(6, scale=10))
#------ Surface data equation with JS code
if (interactive()) {
ec.init(load= '3D',
series= list(list(
type= 'surface',
equation= list(
x = list(min= -3, max= 4, step= 0.05),
y = list(min= -3, max= 3, step= 0.05),
z = htmlwidgets::JS("function (x, y) {
return Math.sin(x * x + y * y) * x / Math.PI; }")
#------ Surface with data from a data.frame
if (interactive()) {
data <- expand.grid(
x = seq(0, 2, by = 0.1),
y = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
) |> mutate(z = x * (y ^ 2)) |> select(x,y,z)
ec.init(load= '3D',
series= list(list(
type= 'surface',
data=, 'values'))) )
#------ Band series with customization
dats <- |> mutate(day= 1:n()) |>
# first column ('day') becomes X-axis by default
dplyr::relocate(day) |> slice_head(n= 100)
# 1. with unnamed data
bands <-, 'DAX','FTSE', name= 'Ftse-Dax',
areaStyle= list(color='pink'))
ec.init(load= 'custom',
tooltip= list(trigger= 'axis'),
legend= list(show= TRUE), xAxis= list(type= 'category'),
dataZoom= list(type= 'slider', end= 50),
series = append( bands,
list(list(type= 'line', name= 'CAC', color= 'red', symbolSize= 1,
data= |> select(day,CAC), 'values')
# 2. with a dataset
# dats |> ec.init(load= 'custom', ...
# + replace data=... with encode= list(x='day', y='CAC')
#------ Error Bars on grouped data
df <- mtcars |> group_by(cyl,gear) |> summarise(yy= round(mean(mpg),2)) |>
mutate(low= round(yy-cyl*runif(1),2),
high= round(yy+cyl*runif(1),2))
df |> ec.init(load='custom', ctype='bar',
xAxis= list(type='category'), tooltip= list(show=TRUE)) |>
ecr.ebars( # name = 'eb', # cannot have own name in grouped series
encode= list(x='gear', y=c('yy','low','high')),
tooltip = list(formatter=ec.clmn('high <b>%@</b><br>low <b>%@</b>', 'high','low')))
#------ Timeline animation and use of ec.upd for readability
Orange |> group_by(age) |> ec.init(
xAxis= list(type= 'category', name= 'tree'),
yAxis= list(max= max(Orange$circumference)),
timeline= list(autoPlay= TRUE),
series.param= list(type= 'bar', encode= list(x='Tree', y='circumference'))
) |> ec.upd({
options <- lapply(options,
function(o) {
vv <- o$series[[1]]$datasetIndex +1;
vv <- dataset[[vv]]$transform$config[["="]]
o$title$text <- paste('age',vv,'days');
o })
#------ Timeline with pies
df <- data.frame(
group= c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),
type= c("type1","type1","type2","type2","type1","type1","type2","type2"),
value= c(5,2,2,1,4,3,1,4),
label= c("name1","name2","name3","name4","name1","name2","name3","name4"),
color= c("blue","purple","red","gold","blue","purple","red","gold")
df |> group_by(group) |> ec.init(
preset= FALSE, legend= list(selectedMode= "single"),
timeline= list(show=TRUE),
series.param= list(type= 'pie', roseType= 'radius',
itemStyle= list(color=ec.clmn(5)),
label= list(formatter=ec.clmn(4)),
encode=list(value='value', itemName='type'))
#------ Boxplot without grouping
ds <- mtcars |> select(cyl, drat) |>'boxplot', jitter=0.1, #layout= 'h',
symbolSize=5, itemStyle=list(opacity=0.9),
emphasis= list(itemStyle= list(
color= 'chartreuse', borderWidth=4, opacity=1))
#colors= heat.colors(length(mcyl)),
legend= list(show= TRUE), tooltip= list(show=TRUE),
dataset= ds$dataset, series= ds$series, xAxis= ds$xAxis, yAxis= ds$yAxis,
series.param= list(color= 'LightGrey', itemStyle= list(color='DimGray'))
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
#------ Boxplot with grouping
ds = airquality |> mutate(Day=round(Day/10)) |>
dplyr::relocate(Day,Wind,Month) |> group_by(Month) |>'boxplot', jitter=0.1, layout= 'h')
dataset= ds$dataset, series= ds$series,xAxis= ds$xAxis, yAxis= ds$yAxis,
legend= list(show= TRUE), tooltip= list(show=TRUE)
#------ ecStat plugin: dataset transform to regression line
# presets for xAxis,yAxis,dataset and series are used
data.frame(x= 1:10, y= sample(1:100,10)) |>
ec.init(load= 'ecStat',
js= c('echarts.registerTransform(ecStat.transform.regression)','','')) |>
dataset[[2]] <- list(
transform= list(type= 'ecStat:regression',
config= list(method= 'polynomial', order= 3)))
series[[2]] <- list(
type= 'line', itemStyle=list(color= 'red'), datasetIndex= 1)
#------ ECharts: dataset, transform and sort
datset <- list(
list('name', 'age', 'profession', 'score', 'date'),
list('Hannah Krause', 41, 'Engineer', 314, '2011-02-12'),
list('Zhao Qian', 20, 'Teacher', 351, '2011-03-01'),
list('Jasmin Krause', 52, 'Musician', 287, '2011-02-14'),
list('Li Lei', 37, 'Teacher', 219, '2011-02-18'),
list('Karle Neumann', 25, 'Engineer', 253, '2011-04-02'),
list('Adrian Groß', 19, 'Teacher', NULL, '2011-01-16'),
list('Mia Neumann', 71, 'Engineer', 165, '2011-03-19'),
list('Böhm Fuchs', 36, 'Musician', 318, '2011-02-24'),
list('Han Meimei', 67, 'Engineer', 366, '2011-03-12'))),
list(transform = list(type= 'sort', config=list(
list(dimension='profession', order='desc'),
list(dimension='score', order='desc'))
title= list(
text= 'Data transform, multiple-sort bar',
subtext= 'JS source',
sublink= paste0('',
left= 'center'),
tooltip= list(trigger= 'item', axisPointer= list(type= 'shadow')),
dataset= datset,
xAxis= list(type= 'category', axisLabel= list(interval=0, rotate=30)),
yAxis= list(name= 'score'),
series= list(list(
type= 'bar',
label= list(show= TRUE, rotate= 90, position= 'insideBottom',
align= 'left', verticalAlign= 'middle'),
itemStyle =list(color= htmlwidgets::JS("function (params) {
return ({
Engineer: '#5470c6',
Teacher: '#91cc75',
Musician: '#fac858'
encode= list(x= 'name', y= 'score', label= list('profession') ),
datasetIndex= 1
#------ Sunburst
# see website for different ways to set hierarchical data
data = list(list(name='Grandpa',children=list(list(name='Uncle Leo',value=15,
children=list(list(name='Cousin Jack',value=2), list(name='Cousin Mary',value=5,
children=list(list(name='Jackson',value=2))), list(name='Cousin Ben',value=4))),
list(name='Brother Peter',value=1))))), list(name='Nancy',children=list(
list(name='Uncle Nike',children=list(list(name='Cousin Betty',value=1),
list(name='Cousin Jenny',value=2))))))
ec.init( preset= FALSE,
series= list(list(type= 'sunburst', data= data,
radius= list(0, '90%'),
label= list(rotate='radial') ))
#------ Gauge
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
series= list(list(
type = 'gauge', max = 160, min=40,
detail = list(formatter='\U1F9E0={value}'),
data = list(list(value=85, name='IQ test')) )) )
#------ Custom gauge with animation
jcode <- "setInterval(function () {
opts.series[0].data[0].value = (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0;
chart.setOption(opts, true);}, 2000);"
ec.init(preset= FALSE, js= jcode,
series= list(list(
type= 'gauge',
axisLine= list(lineStyle=list(width=30,
color= list(c(0.3, '#67e0e3'),c(0.7, '#37a2da'),c(1, '#fd666d')))),
pointer= list(itemStyle=list(color='auto')),
axisTick= list(distance=-30,length=8, lineStyle=list(color='#fff',width=2)),
splitLine= list(distance=-30,length=30, lineStyle=list(color='#fff',width=4)),
axisLabel= list(color='auto',distance=40,fontSize=20),
detail= list(valueAnimation=TRUE, formatter='{value} km/h',color='auto'),
data= list(list(value=70))
#------ Sankey and graph plots
sankey <- data.frame(
name = c("a","b", "c", "d", "e"),
source = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "c"),
target = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "e"),
value = c(5, 6, 2, 8, 13)
data <-, 'names')
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
series= list(list( type= 'sankey',
data= data,
edges= data ))
# graph plot with same data ---------------
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
title= list(text= 'Graph'),
tooltip= list(show= TRUE),
series= list(list(
type= 'graph',
layout= 'force', # try 'circular' too
data= lapply(data,
function(x) list(name= x$node, tooltip= list(show=FALSE))),
edges= lapply(data,
function(x) { x$lineStyle <- list(width=x$value); x }),
emphasis= list(focus= 'adjacency',
label= list(position= 'right', show=TRUE)),
label= list(show=TRUE), roam= TRUE, zoom= 4,
tooltip= list(textStyle= list(color= 'blue')),
lineStyle= list(curveness= 0.3) ))
#------ group connect
main <- mtcars |> ec.init(height= 200, legend= list(show=FALSE),
tooltip= list(axisPointer= list(axis='x')),
series.param= list(name= "this legend is shared"))
main$x$group <- 'group1' # same group name for all charts
main$x$connect <- 'group1'
q1 <- main |> ec.upd({ series[[1]]$encode <- list(y='hp'); yAxis$name <- 'hp'
legend <- list(show=TRUE) # show first legend to share
q2 <- main |> ec.upd({ series[[1]]$encode <- list(y='wt'); yAxis$name <- 'wt' })
#if (interactive()) { # browsable
ec.util(cmd='layout', list(q1,q2), cols=2, title='group connect')
#------ Events in Shiny
if (interactive()) {
library(shiny); library(dplyr); library(echarty)
ui <- fluidPage(ecs.output('plot'), textOutput('out1') )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plot <- ecs.render({
p <- mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> ec.init(dataZoom= list(type= 'inside'))
p$x$on <- list( # event(s) with Javascript handler
list(event= 'legendselectchanged',
handler= htmlwidgets::JS("(e) => Shiny.setInputValue('lgnd', 'legend:';"))
p$x$capture <- 'datazoom'
observeEvent(input$plot_datazoom, { # captured event
output$out1 <- renderText({
paste('Zoom.start:',input$plot_datazoom$batch[[1]]$start,'%') })
observeEvent(input$plot_mouseover, { # built-in event
v <- input$plot_mouseover
output$out1 <- renderText({ paste('s:',v$seriesName,'d:',v$data[v$dataIndex+1]) })
observeEvent(input$lgnd, { # reactive response to on:legend event
output$out1 <- renderText({ input$lgnd })
shinyApp(ui, server)
#------------- Shiny interactive charts demo ---------------
# run command: demo(eshiny)
# donttest
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.