
#' @format
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-24310-Csv.htm}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 7

#' 2019 Australian Federal election data: Two party preferred votes for candidates (House of 
#' Representative) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-24310-Csv.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 7

#' 2019 Australian Federal election data: Two candidate preferred votes for candidates
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-24310-Csv.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 7

#' @format {}
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/20499/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-20499-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2016/downloads.htm}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 6

#' 2016 Australian Federal election data: Two party preferred votes for candidates (House of 
#' Representative) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/20499/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-20499-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2016/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 6

#' 2016 Australian Federal election data: Two candidate preferred votes for candidates
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/20499/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-20499-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2016/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 6

#' @format {}
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/17496/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-17496-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2013/downloads.htm}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 5

#' 2013 Australian Federal election data: Two party preferred votes for candidates (House of 
#' Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/17496/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-17496-csv.htm} 
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2013/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 5

#' 2013 Australian Federal election data: Two candidate preferred votes for candidates 
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/17496/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-17496-csv.htm} 
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2013/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 5

#' @format {}
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/15508/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-15508-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2010/downloads.htm}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 4

#' 2010 Australian Federal election data: Two party preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/15508/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-15508-csv.htm} 
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2010/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 3

#' 2010 Australian Federal election data: Two candidate preferred votes for candidates
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/15508/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-15508-csv.htm} 
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2010/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 4

#' @format {}
#' @source
#'   \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/13745/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-13745-csv.htm}
#' @source
#'   \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2007/downloads.htm}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 3

#' 2007 Australian Federal election data: Two party preferred votes for
#' candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source
#'   \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/13745/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-13745-csv.htm}
#' @source
#'   \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2007/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 3

#' 2007 Australian Federal election data: Two candidate preferred votes for candidates 
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/13745/Website/HouseDownloadsMenu-13745-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2007/downloads.htm}.
#' @format \strong{For the 2007 election onwards:}
#' \describe{
#'     \item{StateAb}{Abbreviation for state name}
#'     \item{UniqueID}{Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census  
#'     and other election datasets.}
#'     \item{DivisionNm}{Electoral division name}
#'     \item{BallotPosition}{Candidate's position on the ballot}
#'     \item{CandidateID}{Candidate ID}
#'     \item{Surname}{Candidate surname}     
#'     \item{GivenNm}{Candidate given name}
#'     \item{PartyAb}{Abbreviation for political party name}
#'     \item{PartyNm}{Political party name}
#'     \item{Elected}{Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)}  
#'     \item{HistoricElected}{Whether the candidate is the incumbent member}
#'     \item{OrdinaryVotes}{Number of ordinary votes cast for the candidate}
#'     \item{Percent}{Percentage of ordinary votes cast for the candidate}
#'     }
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 3
#' @md

#' 2004 Australian Federal election data: First preference votes for candidates (House of 
#' Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @format \strong{For the 2004 election onwards:}
#' \itemize{
#'     \item StateAb: Abbreviation for state name    
#'     \item UniqueID: Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census  
#'     and other election datasets.  
#'     \item DivisionNm:  Electoral division name   
#'     \item BallotPosition: Candidate's position on the ballot 
#'     \item CandidateID: Candidate ID       
#'     \item Surname: Candidate surname          
#'     \item GivenNm: Candidate given name            
#'     \item PartyAb: Abbreviation for political party name           
#'     \item PartyNm: Political party name      
#'     \item Elected: Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)            
#'     \item OrdinaryVotes: Number of ordinary votes cast at the electorate for the candidate     
#'     \item Percent: Percentage of ordinary votes for the candidate     
#'     }
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/12246/results/HouseDownloadsMenu-12246-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2004/downloads.htm}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 2
#' @md

#' 2004 Australian Federal election data: Two party preferred votes for candidates (House of 
#' Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/12246/results/HouseDownloadsMenu-12246-csv.htm}
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2004/downloads.htm}
#' @format {}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 2

#' 2004 Australian Federal election data: Two candidate preferred votes for candidates 
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' @source \url{https://results.aec.gov.au/12246/results/HouseDownloadsMenu-12246-csv.htm} 
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/elections/federal_elections/2004/downloads.htm}.
#' @format 
#' \strong{For the 2004 election:}
#' \describe{
#'     \item{StateAb}{Abbreviation for state name}  
#'     \item{UniqueID}{Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census
#'     and other election datasets.}
#'     \item{DivisionNm}{Electoral division name}
#'     \item{BallotPosition}{Candidate's position on the ballot}
#'     \item{CandidateID}{Candidate ID}
#'     \item{Surname}{Candidate surname}
#'     \item{GivenNm}{Candidate given name}
#'     \item{PartyAb}{Abbreviation for political party name}
#'     \item{PartyNm}{Political party name}
#'     \item{Elected}{Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)}
#'     \item{OrdinaryVotes}{Number of ordinary votes cast for the candidate}
#'     \item{Percent}{Percentage of ordinary votes cast for the candidate}
#'     }
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 2

#' First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' A dataset containing first preference vote counts, candidate names, and other results for the
#' House of Representatives from Australian federal elections from 2001 to 2019.
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \strong{For the 2001 election only:}
#' \itemize{
#'     \item UniqueID: Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census  
#'     and other election datasets.
#'     \item StateAb: Abbreviation for state name  
#'     \item DivisionNm:  Electoral division name   
#'     \item Surname: Candidate surname          
#'     \item GivenNm: Candidate given name            
#'     \item PartyAb: Abbreviation for political party name           
#'     \item PartyNm: Political party name      
#'     \item Elected: Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)            
#'     \item Percent: Percentage of ordinary votes for the candidate     
#'     }
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/About_AEC/Publications/statistics/files/aec-2001-election-statistics.zip}
#' @rdname first_preference
#' @order 1

#' Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and
#' Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
#' A dataset containing two party preferred vote counts, winning candidate
#' names, and other results for the House of Representatives from the 2001 to
#' 2019 Australian federal elections. Includes the count of votes for the
#' Australian Labor Party and the count of votes for the Liberal-National
#' Coalition for each electorate. 
#' @format A data frame with the following variables: 
#' \describe{ 
#'   \item{UniqueID}{Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census and other election datasets.}
#'   \item{DivisionNm}{Electoral division name}
#'   \item{StateAb}{Abbreviation for state name}
#'   \item{LNP_Vote}{Count of two party preferred vote in favour of the Liberal National coalition}
#'   \item{LNP_Percent}{Percentage of two party preferred vote in favour of the Liberal National coalition}
#'   \item{ALP_Votes}{Count of two party preferred vote in favour of the Labor party}
#'   \item{ALP_Percent}{Percentage of two party preferred vote in favour of the Labor party}
#'   \item{TotalVotes}{Total number of votes cast}
#'   \item{Swing}{Percentage point change in two party preferred vote from the previous election}
#'  }
#' @source
#'   \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/About_AEC/Publications/statistics/files/aec-2001-election-statistics.zip}
#' @rdname tpp
#' @order 1

#' Two candidate preferred votes for candidates 
#' (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
#' A dataset containing two candidate preferred vote counts, 
#' and other results for the House of Representatives from the 
#' 2001 to 2019 Australian federal elections. 
#' Includes the count of votes for the leading two candidates 
#' in the electorate after distribution of preferences.
#' @source \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/About_AEC/Publications/statistics/files/aec-2001-election-statistics.zip}.
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \strong{For the 2001 election:}
#' \describe{
#'     \item{UniqueID}{Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census  
#'     and other election datasets}
#'     \item{StateAb}{Abbreviation for state name}  
#'     \item{DivisionNm}{Electoral division name}             
#'     \item{Surname}{Candidate surname}          
#'     \item{GivenNm}{Candidate given name}
#'     \item{Elected}{Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)}
#'     \item{Percent}{Percentage of ordinary votes cast for the candidate}
#'     \item{PartyAb}{Abbreviation for political party name}         
#'     \item{PartyNm}{Political party name}    
#'     \item{Swing}{Percentage point change in ordinary votes for the party from the previous election}     
#'     }
#' @rdname tcp
#' @order 1

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2019
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2019 boundaries of the 
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}. Must be loaded using the
#' `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }
#' @examples 
#' library(eechidna)
#' nat_map19 <- nat_map_download(2019)
#' # choropleth map with Australian Census data
#' nat_map19$region <- nat_map19$elect_div
#' data(abs2019)
#' abs2019$region <- abs2019$DivisionNm
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(ggthemes)
#' both <- intersect(unique(abs2019$region), unique(nat_map19$region))
#' ggplot(aes(map_id=region), data=subset(abs2019, region %in% both)) +
#'   geom_map(aes(fill=MedianPersonalIncome), map=subset(nat_map19, region %in% both)) +
#'   expand_limits(x=nat_map19$long, y=nat_map19$lat) + 
#'   theme_map()

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2016
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2016 boundaries of the 
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}. Must be loaded using the
#' `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }
#' @examples 
#' library(eechidna)
#' nat_map16 <- nat_map_download(2016)
#' # choropleth map with Australian Census data
#' nat_map16$region <- nat_map16$elect_div
#' data(abs2016)
#' abs2016$region <- abs2016$DivisionNm
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(ggthemes)
#' both <- intersect(unique(abs2016$region), unique(nat_map16$region))
#' ggplot(aes(map_id=region), data=subset(abs2016, region %in% both)) +
#'   geom_map(aes(fill=MedianPersonalIncome), map=subset(nat_map16, region %in% both)) +
#'   expand_limits(x=nat_map16$long, y=nat_map16$lat) + 
#'   theme_map()

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2013
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2013 boundaries of the 
#' electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}. Must be loaded using the
#' `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2010
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2010 boundaries of the 
#' electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}. Must be loaded using the
#' `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2007
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2007 boundaries of the 
#' electorates. The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@@.nsf/DetailsPage/2923.0.30.0012006?OpenDocument}. 
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2004
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2004 boundaries of the 
#' electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@@.nsf/DetailsPage/2923.0.30.0012006?OpenDocument}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }

#' Map of Australian Electorates from 2001
#' A dataset containing the map of the all 150 Australian electorates using the 2001 boundaries of the 
#' electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Government, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-0b939a62-e53e-4616-add5-77f909b58ddd/details?q=asgc\%202001}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_map_download` function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item long: longitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item lat: latitude coordinate of point in polygon
#'     \item order: order for polygon points
#'     \item hole: whether polygon has a hole
#'     \item piece: piece for polygon
#'     \item group: group for polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electoral division name
#'     \item state: Abbreviation for state name
#' }

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2019
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 151 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 151 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item numccds: AEC variable that might be filled with meaning or a description down the road
#'     \item area_sqkm: combined square kilometers of each electorate
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2016
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 150 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item numccds: AEC variable that might be filled with meaning or a description down the road
#'     \item area_sqkm: combined square kilometers of each electorate
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2013
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 150 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item numccds: AEC variable that might be filled with meaning or a description down the road
#'     \item area_sqkm: combined square kilometers of each electorate
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2010
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 150 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Electoral Commission, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.aec.gov.au/Electorates/gis/gis_datadownload.htm}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item numccds: AEC variable that might be filled with meaning or a description down the road
#'     \item area_sqkm: combined square kilometers of each electorate
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2007
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 150 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@@.nsf/DetailsPage/2923.0.30.0012006?OpenDocument}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2004
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 150 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@@.nsf/DetailsPage/2923.0.30.0012006?OpenDocument}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2001
#' A dataset containing some demographic information for each of the 150 Australian electorates.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Government, and downloaded 
#' from \url{https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-0b939a62-e53e-4616-add5-77f909b58ddd/details?q=asgc\%202001}.
#' Must be loaded using the `nat_data_download` function.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item id: Numeric identifier for the polygon
#'     \item elect_div: Electorate division name   
#'     \item state: abbreviation of the state name
#'     \item long_c: longitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item lat_c: latitude coordinate of electorate (polygon) centroid
#'     \item x: latitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item y: longitude coordinate for plotting a cartogram
#'     \item radius: variable used in the construction of cartogram points
#' }
#' @keywords internal

#' 2016 Australian Census data on all 150 electorates
#' @format {}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 8

#' 2011 Australian Census data on all 150 electorates
#' @format{}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 6

#' @format {}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 3

#' Australian Census data on all electorates
#' @description 
#' A dataset containing demographic and other information about each electorate from the
#' Australian Census of Population and Housing.
#' The data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and downloaded
#' from \url{https://www.censusdata.abs.gov.au/datapacks/}.
#' Electorate boundaries match those in place at the time of the relevant data.
#' Census data for non-census years has been imputed. For more details on this process,
#' see the help vignette: \code{vignette("imputing-census-data", package = "eechidna")}
#' Data for 2004, 2007, 2013 and 2010 was updated in October 2019. The older versions can be found
#' [in the GitHub repository](https://github.com/jforbes14/eechidna/tree/master/extra-data).
#' @format Data frames with the following variables, variables with an asterisk are only available
#' in the 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016 data sets.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item UniqueID: Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census 
#'   and other election datasets.
#'   \item DivisionNm: Name of electorate
#'   \item State: State containing electorate
#'   \item Population: Total population of electorate
#'   \item Area*: Area of electorate division in square kilometres
#'   \item Age00_04: Percentage of people aged 0-4.
#'   \item Age05_14: Percentage of people aged 5-9.
#'   \item Age15_19: Percentage of people aged 15-19.
#'   \item Age20_24: Percentage of people aged 20-24.
#'   \item Age25_34: Percentage of people aged 25-34.
#'   \item Age35_44: Percentage of people aged 35-44.
#'   \item Age45_54: Percentage of people aged 45-54.
#'   \item Age55_64: Percentage of people aged 55-64.
#'   \item Age65_74: Percentage of people aged 65-74.
#'   \item Age75_84: Percentage of people aged 75-84.
#'   \item Age85plus: Percentage of people aged 85 or higher.
#'   \item Anglican: Percentage of people affiliated with the Anglican denomimation
#'   \item AusCitizen: Percentage of people who are Australian Citizens
#'   \item AverageHouseholdSize: Average number of people in a household 
#'   \item BachelorAbv: Percentage of people who have completed a Bachelor degree or above
#'   \item Born_Asia: Percentage of people born in Asia
#'   \item Born_MidEast: Percentage of people born in the Middle East
#'   \item Born_SE_Europe: Percentage of people born in South Eastern Europe
#'   \item Born_UK: Percentage of people born in the United Kingdom
#'   \item BornElsewhere: Percentage of people who were born overseas, outside of Asia, Middle East, South Eastern Europe and the UK
#'   \item BornOverseas_NS*: Percentage of people who did not answer the question relating to birthplace
#'   \item Buddhism: Percentage of people affiliated with the Buddhist religion
#'   \item Catholic: Percentage of people affiliated with the Catholic denomimation
#'   \item Christianity: Percentage of people affiliated with the Christian religion (of all denominations)
#'   \item Couple_NoChild_House: Percentage of households made up of a couple with no children
#'   \item Couple_WChild_House: Percentage of households made up of a couple with children
#'   \item CurrentlyStudying: Percentage of people who are currently studying
#'   \item DeFacto: Percentage of people who are in a de facto marriage
#'   \item DiffAddress: Percentage of people who live at a different address to what they did 5 years ago
#'   \item DipCert: Percentage of people who have completed a diploma or certificate
#'   \item Distributive: Percentage of employed persons who work in wholesale trade, retail trade, transport, post or warehousing related industries
#'   \item EmuneratedElsewhere: Percentage of people who receive emuneration outside of Australia, out of the total population plus overseas visitors
#'   \item EnglishOnly: Percentage of people who speak only English
#'   \item Extractive: Percentage of employed persons who work in extractive industries (includes mining, gas, water, agriculture, waste, electricity)
#'   \item FamilyIncome_NS*: Percentage of people who did not answer the question relating to family income
#'   \item FamilyRatio: Average number of people per family
#'   \item Finance: Percentage of employed persons who work in finance or insurance related industries
#'   \item HighSchool: Percentage of people who have completed high school
#'   \item HighSchool_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to high school completion
#'   \item HouseholdIncome_NS*: Percentage of people who did not answer the question relating to household income
#'   \item Indigenous: Percentage of people who are Indigenous
#'   \item InternetAccess: Percentage of people with access to the internet
#'   \item InternetAccess_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to internal access
#'   \item InternetUse: Percentage of people who used internet in the last week (2001 only)
#'   \item InternetUse_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to internet use (2001 only)
#'   \item Islam: Percentage of people affiliated with the Islamic religion
#'   \item Judaism: Percentage of people affiliated with the Jewish religion
#'   \item Laborer: Percentage of employed persons who work as a laborer
#'   \item Language_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to language spoken at home
#'   \item LFParticipation: Labor force participation rate
#'   \item ManagerAdminClericalSales: Percentage of employed persons who work in management, administration, clerical duties and sales
#'   \item Married: Percentage of people who are married
#'   \item MedianAge: Median age
#'   \item MedianFamilyIncome: Median weekly family income (in $)
#'   \item MedianHouseholdIncome: Median weekly household income (in $)
#'   \item MedianLoanPay: Median mortgage loan repayment amount (of mortgage payments, in $)
#'   \item MedianPersonalIncome: Median weekly personal income (in $)
#'   \item MedianRent: Median weekly rental payment amount (of those who rent, in $)
#'   \item Mortgage: Percentage of dwellings that are on a mortgage
#'   \item NoReligion: Percentage of people with no religion
#'   \item OneParent_House: Percentage of households made up of one parent with children
#'   \item Other_NonChrist: Percentage of people affiliated with a religion other than Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism
#'   \item OtherChrist: Percentage of people affiliated with a denomination of the Christian religion other than Anglican or Catholic
#'   \item OtherLanguageHome: Percentage of people who speak a language other than English at home
#'   \item Owned: Percentage of dwellings that are owned outright
#'   \item PersonalIncome_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to personal income
#'   \item Professional: Percentage of employed persons who work as a professional
#'   \item PublicHousing: Percentage of dwellings that are owned by the government, and rented out to tenants
#'   \item Religion_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to religion
#'   \item Rent_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to rental costs
#'   \item Renting: Percentage of dwellings that are being rented
#'   \item SocialServ: Percentage of employed persons who work in education and training, healthcare, social work, community, arts and recreation
#'   \item SP_House: Percentage of households occupied by a single person
#'   \item Tenure_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to tenure
#'   \item Tradesperson: Percentage of employed persons who specialise in a trade
#'   \item Transformative: Percentage of employed persons who work in construction or manufacturing related industries
#'   \item Unemployed: Unemployment rate
#'   \item University_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to University
#'   \item Volunteer: Percentage of people who work as a volunteer
#'   \item Volunteer_NS*: Rate of nonresponse for questions relating to working as a volunteer 
#' }
#' @examples 
#' library(eechidna)
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(abs2001)
#' abs2001 %>% select(DivisionNm, MedianAge, Unemployed, NoReligion, MedianPersonalIncome) %>% head()
#' # Join with two-party preferred voting data
#' library(ggplot2)
#' data(tpp01)
#' election2001 <- left_join(abs2001, tpp01, by = "UniqueID")
#' # See relationship between personal income and Liberal/National support
#' ggplot(election2001, aes(x = MedianPersonalIncome, y = LNP_Percent)) + 
#'     geom_jitter() + 
#'     geom_smooth(method='lm')
#' @rdname census
#' @order 1
#' @md

#' Imputed Australian Census data for the electorates in place at time of the 2019 Federal election
#' @format {}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 9

#' Imputed Australian Census data for the electorates in place at time of the 2013 Federal election
#' @format {}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 7

#' @rdname census
#' @order 5

#' @format {}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 4

#' @format {}
#' @rdname census
#' @order 2

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eechidna documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 5:08 p.m.