estimateEffect: Estimate the total causal effect

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estimateEffectR Documentation

Estimate the total causal effect


Estimate the total causal effect of x on y with iterated least squares. The resulting estimate has the minimal asymptotic covariance among all least squares estimators.


estimateEffect(data, x, y, amat, bootstrap = FALSE)



a data frame consisting of iid observational data


(integer) positions of treatment variables in the adjacency matrix; can be a singleton (single treatment) or a vector (multiple treatments)


(integer) position of the outcome variable in the adjacency matrix


adjacency matrix representing a DAG, CPDAG or MPDAG


If TRUE, will estimate the standard error covariance with bootstrap (default: FALSE)


Adjacency matrix amat represents the graphical information of the underlying causal DAG (directed acyclic graph). The causal DAG should be contained by the graph represented by amat, which can be a DAG, CPDAG (essential graph), or more generally, an MPDAG (maximally oriented partially directed acyclic graph).

Matrix amat is coded with the convention of amatType:

  • amat[i,j]=0 and amat[j,i]=1 means i->j

  • amat[i,j]=1 and amat[j,i]=0 means i<-j

  • amat[i,j]=1 and amat[j,i]=1 means i--j

  • amat[i,j]=0 and amat[j,i]=0 means i j

amat can be learned from observational data with a structure learning algorithm; see pc, ges and LINGAM. Additional background knowledge can also be incorporated with addBgKnowledge.


A vector of the same length as x. If bootstrap=TRUE, return a list of (effect, se.cov).

See Also

isIdentified is called for determining if an effect can be identified. See also adjustment, ida, and jointIda for other estimators.


result <- estimateEffect(ex1$data, c(5,3), 7, ex1$amat.cpdag, bootstrap=TRUE)
print(result$effect - 1.96 * sqrt(diag(result$se.cov)))
print(result$effect + 1.96 * sqrt(diag(result$se.cov)))
# compare with truth

## Not run: 
# throws an error because the effect is not identified
estimateEffect(ex1$data, 3, 7, ex1$amat.cpdag)

## End(Not run)

eff2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:05 a.m.