
Defines functions biscale.control biscale

Documented in biscale biscale.control

#' @title Data standardization
#' @description Standardize a matrix rows and/or columns to have zero mean or unit variance
#' @param x an \eqn{m} by \eqn{n} matrix possibly with \code{NA}s.
#' @param thresh.sd convergence threshold, measured as the relative change in the Frobenius norm between two successive estimates.
#' @param maxit.sd maximum number of iterations.
#' @param control a list of parameters that control details of standard procedure. See \link{biscale.control}.
#' @param ... arguments to be used to form the default control argument if it is not supplied directly.
#' @return A list is returned
#' \item{\code{x.st}}{The matrix after standardization.}
#' \item{\code{alpha}}{The row mean after iterative process.}
#' \item{\code{beta}}{The column mean after iterative process.}
#' \item{\code{tau}}{The row standard deviation after iterative process.}
#' \item{\code{gamma}}{The column standard deviation after iterative process.}
#' @references Hastie, Trevor, Rahul Mazumder, Jason D. Lee, and Reza Zadeh. Matrix completion and low-rank SVD via fast alternating least squares. The Journal of Machine Learning Research 16, no. 1 (2015): 3367-3402.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ################# Quick Start #################
#' m <- 100
#' n <- 100
#' r <- 10
#' x_na <- incomplete.generator(m, n, r)
#' ###### Standardize both mean and variance
#' xs <- biscale(x_na)
#' ###### Only standardize mean ######
#' xs_mean <- biscale(x_na, row.mean = TRUE, col.mean = TRUE)
#' ###### Only standardize variance ######
#' xs_std <- biscale(x_na, row.std = TRUE, col.std = TRUE)
biscale <- function(x, thresh.sd = 1e-05, maxit.sd = 100, control = list(...), ...){
  m <- nrow(x)
  n <- ncol(x)
  extraArgs <- control
  if (length(extraArgs)) {
    controlargs <- names(formals(biscale.control)) # legal arg names
    indx <- match(names(extraArgs), controlargs, nomatch = 0L)
    if (any(indx == 0L))
      stop(gettextf("Argument %s not matched",
                    names(extraArgs)[indx == 0L]),
           domain = NA)
  controls <- do.call("biscale.control", control)
  row.mean <- controls$row.mean
  row.std <- controls$row.std
  col.mean <- controls$col.mean
  col.std <- controls$col.std
  if(row.mean + row.std + col.mean + col.std > 0){
    xna <- is.na(x)
    xna_ind <- which(is.na(x))
    m_ob <- n - rowSums(xna)
    n_ob <- m - colSums(xna)
    m_ob[which(m_ob == 0)] <- 1e-08
    n_ob[which(n_ob == 0)] <- 1e-08

    x_ind <- which(!is.na(x), arr.ind = TRUE)
    x_alt <- x
    x_alt[xna_ind] <- 0

    # alpha <- rowMeans(x_alt)
    # beta <- colMeans(x_alt)
    # tau <- apply(x_alt, 1, sd)
    # gamma <- apply(x_alt, 2, sd)
      if(length(row.mean) == m){
        alpha <- row.mean
        row.mean <- FALSE
        stop("length of 'row.mean' must equal the number of rows of 'x'")
      alpha <- rep(0, m)

      if(length(col.mean) == n){
        beta <- col.mean
        col.mean <- FALSE
        stop("length of 'col.mean' must equal the number of columns of 'x'")
      beta <- rep(0, n)

      if(length(row.std) == m){
        tau <- row.std
        row.std <- FALSE
        stop("length of 'row.std' must equal the number of rows of 'x'")
      tau <- rep(1, m)

      if(length(col.std) == n){
        gamma <- col.std
        col.std <- FALSE
        stop("length of 'col.std' must equal the number of columns of 'x'")
      gamma <- rep(1, n)
    x_ind <- x_ind - 1
    res <- biscale_alt(x, x_ind, m_ob, n_ob, maxit.sd, thresh.sd, alpha, beta, tau, gamma, row.mean, col.mean, row.std, col.std)

    alpha = res[[1]]
    beta = res[[2]]
    tau = res[[3]]
    gamma = res[[4]]
    alpha_m <- matrix(rep(alpha, n), nrow = m)
    beta_m <- t(matrix(rep(beta, m), nrow = n))
    x_st <- (x_alt - alpha_m - beta_m)/(tau %*% t(gamma))
    x_st[xna_ind] <- NA
    x_st <- x
    alpha <- rep(0, m)
    beta <- rep(0, n)
    tau <- rep(1, m)
    gamma <- rep(1, n)

  list(x.st = x_st, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, tau = tau, gamma = gamma)

#' @title Control for standard procedure
#' @description Various parameters that control aspects of the standard procedure.
#' @param row.mean if \code{row.mean = TRUE} (the default), row centering will be performed resulting in a matrix with row means zero.
#' If \code{row.mean} is a vector, it will be used in the iterative process.
#' If \code{row.mean = FALSE} nothing is done.
#' @param row.std if \code{row.std = TRUE} , row scaling will be performed resulting in a matrix with row variance one.
#' If \code{row.std} is a vector, it will be used in the iterative process.
#' If \code{row.std = FALSE} (the default) nothing is done.
#' @param col.mean similar to \code{row.mean}.
#' @param col.std similar to \code{row.std}.
#' @return A list with components named as the arguments.
#' @export
biscale.control <- function(row.mean = FALSE, row.std = FALSE, col.mean = FALSE, col.std = FALSE) {
  list(row.mean = row.mean, row.std = row.std, col.mean = col.mean, col.std = col.std)

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