
Defines functions elo.model.frame

Documented in elo.model.frame

#' Interpret formulas in \code{elo} functions
#' A helper function to create the \code{model.frame} for many \code{elo} functions.
#' @param formula A formula. See \link[=formula.specials]{the help page for formulas} for details.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} in which to look for objects in \code{formula}.
#' @param na.action A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs.
#' @param subset An optional vector specifying a subset of observations.
#' @param k A constant k-value (or a vector, where appropriate).
#' @param ... Other arguments (not in use at this time).
#' @param required.vars One or more of \code{c("wins", "elos", "k", "group", "regress")},
#'   denoting which variables are required to appear in the final model.frame.
#' @param warn.k Should a warning be issued if \code{k} is specified as an argument and in \code{formula}?
#' @param ncol.k How many columns (\code{NCOL}) should \code{k} have?
#' @param ncol.elos How many Elo columns are expected?
#' @seealso \code{\link{elo.run}}, \code{\link{elo.calc}}, \code{\link{elo.update}}, \code{\link{elo.prob}}
#' @export
elo.model.frame <- function(formula, data, na.action, subset, k = NULL, ..., required.vars = "elos", warn.k = TRUE, ncol.k = 1, ncol.elos = 2)
  Call <- match.call()
  required.vars <- match.arg(required.vars, c("wins", "elos", "k", "group", "regress", "neutral", "weights"), several.ok = TRUE)
  indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(Call), nomatch = 0)
  if(indx[1] == 0) stop("A formula argument is required.")

  temp.call <- Call[c(1, indx)]
  temp.call[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
  specials <- c("adjust", "k", "group", "regress", "neutral", "players")

  temp.call$formula <- if(missing(data))
    stats::terms(formula, specials)
  } else stats::terms(formula, specials, data = data)

  mf <- eval(temp.call, parent.frame())
  if(nrow(mf) == 0) stop("No (non-missing) observations")

  Terms <- stats::terms(mf)
  naaction <- stats::na.action(mf)


  has.wins <- attr(Terms, "response") == 1

  k.col <- attr(Terms, "specials")$k
  has.k <- !null_or_length0(k.col) || !is.null(k)

  grp.col <- attr(Terms, "specials")$group
  reg.col <- attr(Terms, "specials")$regress
  neu.col <- attr(Terms, "specials")$neutral
  wts.col <- which(names(mf) == "(weights)")

  if("wins" %in% required.vars && !has.wins)
    stop("A 'wins' component is required in the left-hand side of 'formula'.")

  if("k" %in% required.vars && !has.k)
    stop("'k' is not in 'formula' or specified as an argument.")
  } else if(!null_or_length0(k.col) && !is.null(k) && warn.k)
    warning("'k = ' argument being ignored.")

  # need all the parens b/c ! is a low-precident operator
  sum.nonempty <- (!null_or_length0(k.col)) + (!null_or_length0(grp.col)) + (!null_or_length0(reg.col)) +
    (!null_or_length0(neu.col)) + (!null_or_length0(wts.col))

  if(has.wins + sum.nonempty + ncol.elos != ncol(mf))
    stop("'formula' not specified correctly: found ", ncol(mf), " columns; expected ",
         has.wins + sum.nonempty + ncol.elos)

  # figure out which columns are the "real" ones
  elo.cols <- if(sum.nonempty == 0)
    (1:ncol.elos) + has.wins
  } else setdiff(1:ncol(mf), c(if(has.wins) 1, k.col, grp.col, reg.col, neu.col, wts.col))
  stopifnot(ncol.elos %in% 1:2)
  if(length(elo.cols) != ncol.elos) stop("Trouble finding the Elo columns.")


  out <- data.frame(row.names = 1:nrow(mf)) # in case one of the next two lines is a matrix
  out$elo.A <- remove_elo_adjust(mf[[elo.cols[1]]])
  if(ncol.elos == 2) out$elo.B <- remove_elo_adjust(mf[[elo.cols[2]]])

  if("wins" %in% required.vars)
    out$wins.A <- as.numeric(mf[[1]])
    if(!(is.mov <- inherits(mf[[1]], "elo.mov"))) validate_score(out$wins.A)
  } else is.mov <- FALSE
  if("k" %in% required.vars)
    k <- if(null_or_length0(k.col))
      if(!(length(k) %in% c(1, nrow(mf)))) stop("'k' must be length 1 or the number of rows of data")
      if(length(k) == 1) k <- rep(k, nrow(mf))
    } else mf[[k.col]]
    stopifnot(ncol.k %in% 1:2)
    if(ncol.k == 2 && NCOL(k) == 1) k <- matrix(c(k, k), ncol = 2)
    out$k <- k
    if(!is.numeric(out$k) || anyNA(out$k)) stop("'k' should be numeric and non-NA.")
  if("group" %in% required.vars)
    out$group <- if(null_or_length0(grp.col)) TRUE else mf[[grp.col]]
  if("regress" %in% required.vars)
    out$regress <- if(null_or_length0(reg.col))
      regress(rep(FALSE, times = nrow(out)), 1500, 0, FALSE)
    } else mf[[reg.col]]
  if("neutral" %in% required.vars)
    out$home.field <- if(null_or_length0(neu.col)) rep(1, times = nrow(out)) else 1 - mf[[neu.col]]
  if("weights" %in% required.vars)
    out$weights <- if(null_or_length0(wts.col))
      rep(1, times = nrow(out))
    } else mf[["(weights)"]]

  adjs <- attr(Terms, "specials")$adjust

  out$adj.A <- if(null_or_length0(adjs) || !any(adjs == elo.cols[1])) 0 else attr(fix_adjust(mf[[elo.cols[1]]], naaction), "adjust")
  if(ncol.elos == 2) out$adj.B <- if(null_or_length0(adjs) || !any(adjs == elo.cols[2])) 0 else attr(fix_adjust(mf[[elo.cols[2]]], naaction), "adjust")

  if(!is.numeric(out$adj.A) || (!is.null(out$adj.B) && !is.numeric(out$adj.B))) stop("Any Elo adjustments should be numeric!")

  attr(out, "terms") <- Terms
  attr(out, "na.action") <- naaction
  attr(out, "outcome") <- if(is.mov) "mov" else "score"

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elo documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 5:10 p.m.