attach_source: Source R files into an attached environment

View source: R/attach_source.R

attach_sourceR Documentation

Source R files into an attached environment


Source R files into an attached environment


  name = as_tidy_env_name(c(...), prefix = "source:"),
  recursive = FALSE,
  pos = 2L,
  chdir = FALSE,
  warn.conflicts = TRUE,
  mask.ok = NULL,
  parent = .GlobalEnv



filepaths to R files, or paths to directories containing R files.


A string, the name for the attached environment. By default, the name is constructed from paths supplied to .... If the requested name is not on the search path, a new environment of this name is attached.


If directories are passed to ..., whether to search them recursively.


The position where to attach the environment, if creating a new one. If an environment of name already exists, pos is ignored.


logical. if TRUE, the R working directory is temporarily changed to the directory containing the file(s) being sourced.


logical. If TRUE (the default), print warnings about objects in the attached environment that that are masking or masked by other objects of the same name. If the environment specified by name is was attached previously, then only newly defined objects are warned about. N.B., Even though the name is warn.conflicts, the messages about conflicts are not warning()s but packageStartupMessage()s, and can be suppressed with suppressPackageStartupMessages()


character vector of names of objects that can mask objects on the search path without signaling a warning if warn.conflicts is TRUE. The sourced R script can also define .mask.OK in the R environment, which has the same effect as passing it as an argument.


R environment. If an environment specified by name is not already attached, then the supplied R scripts are first sourced into a new environment with the supplied parent. The default of globalenv() enables calling library() in the scripts and having the subsequent code in the scripts "see" the attached packages.


The attached environment, invisibly.

See Also

import_from, set_library_default_pos

envir documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:04 a.m.