
Defines functions ENgettitle

Documented in ENgettitle

#' ENgettitle
#' Retrieves the title lines of the project
#' @return character vector of title lines
#' @useDynLib epanet2toolkit RENgettitle
ENgettitle <- function(){

   # allocate character buffers for the title lines 
   row1 <- strrep(" ", 255)
   row2 <- strrep(" ", 255)
   row3 <- strrep(" ", 255)
   arg <- .C("RENgettitle", row1, row2, row3, as.integer(-1))
   err <- arg[[4]]
   title <- unlist(arg)[1:3]

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epanet2toolkit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:40 a.m.