
Defines functions subset_clusters_by_id

Documented in subset_clusters_by_id

#' Subset epicontacts by case-specified clusters
#' This function subsets an \code{\link{epicontacts}} object by identifying
#' clusters of cases connected to specified cases.
#' @export
#' @author Nistara Randhawa (\email{nrandhawa@@ucdavis.edu})
#' @param x an \code{\link{epicontacts}} object
#' @param id a character vector of case identifiers; the connected components
#'     attached to these cases will be retained in the output object.
#' @return An \code{\link{epicontacts}} object whose contact dataframe
#'     corresponds to all clusters containing specified case id.
#' @examples
#' if (require(outbreaks)) {
#' ## build data
#' x <- make_epicontacts(ebola_sim$linelist, ebola_sim$contacts,
#'                        id="case_id", to="case_id", from="infector",
#'                        directed=TRUE)
#' id <- "cac51e" ## it can be a vector of id as well
#' ## subset based on cluster to which "cac51e" belongs
#' x_subset <- subset_clusters_by_id(x, id)
#' }

subset_clusters_by_id <- function(x, id){

  ## Convert epicontacts object to igraph and get linelist + contacts dataframes
  net <- as.igraph.epicontacts(x)

  ## Get cluster information for each node/case
  cs <- igraph::clusters(net)
  net_nodes <- data.frame(nodes =igraph::V(net)$id,
                          cs_member = cs$membership,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## Identify cluster containing nodes/cases of interest
  cluster_to_subset <- unique(net_nodes$cs_member[which(net_nodes$nodes %in% id)])

  ## Identify members of cluster belonging to nodes/cases of interest
  id_to_subset <- net_nodes$nodes[ which(net_nodes$cs_member %in% cluster_to_subset)]

  ## Subset linelist and contacts by ids - use 'either' so that all contacts of
  ## interest are returned, these can be removed using thin if need be later
  epi_subset <- x[i = id_to_subset,
                  j = id_to_subset,
                  contacts = 'either']

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epicontacts documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:27 p.m.